Then it fails to answer the question.
So let’s repeat it, simply for effect.
“Are we getting our money’s worth?”
The costs of the policies are significant.
The cost for RGGI?
“$600M b/t 2008 & 2018.”
The cost for MassSave EE programs?
“$2.8 billion over the next three years.”
Payments to LDCs for mandated OSW contracts?
“$168M over 20 years.”
No, of course not. The *opposite* of this statement is true.
The kilowatts you paid for? Absent Mass Save EE programs, you would have used more of them—and paid more for the privilege.
Perhaps you’d want move to Alabama then, whose rates are ranked 28th—much lower than MA’s. But (oh snap!) they have the *highest* US elec bills!

Am I right?
Put a price on all of that.
It is worth answering the question “are we getting our money’s worth?”
But unanswered the question is mere rhetoric. And data provided w/o context is not information—it’s disinformation.