- Exchanging a smile with @AOC during a hearing. It made my year... I’ve been floating ever since.

- When @BernieSanders walked by and said hello and asked how we were doing
(below is my sad attempt at taking a discrete photo)

- the sob circle on the last night, a tradition on the dc trip. @TEScharlotte class of 2019, I will miss all of you so much. Thank you for everything.

On the bus ride home, I watched @knockdownmovie for the third time as a sort of closing ritual. The day before I had written “take up space” as a reminder on my hand for when I got frustrated or felt small while lobbying. Here’s the scene it came from. #KnockDowntheHouse

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this trip so special. It was one of the best weeks of my life.
And DC... you haven’t seen the last of me.