Before starting an official impeachment inquiry, @SpeakerPelosi is waiting for a big shoe to drop from tax returns, bank records, big televised testimony...
But judges might deny subpoenas for pretexts, if Dems don’t honestly cite impeachment inquiry...
A cost-benefit analysis, weighing priorities.
1. What‘s the chance a committee impeachment inquiry - not an impeachment vote - will hurt Dems politically? Split her caucus? Jeopardize swing seats?
She knows better than I do, and it’s her job to prioritize them.
I think she underrates those chances. Just like underrating the risk of not calling the ACA individual mandate a “tax,” which almost doomed the entire ACA in 2012.
It’s her job to keep her caucus together and keep control of the House...
I wrote about pretexts & subpoenas here:…