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Mar 23rd 2023
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Start saving money for business services & read more #online at our corporate cost reduction services company #page, online at: #Marlborough #Boston #Cambridge #Worcester #Central #MA #business #consultant #consultants #offer #saving #company #local #price
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Jun 22nd 2022
On April 30, 2016, was George Papadopoulos giving Professor Mifsud the expectation that Carter Page was believed to have been in attendance three days earlier at the Mayflower Hotel where Trump gave his first foreign policy speech?……
Was that the supposed "signal to meet"?

#mifsud #papadopoulos #page #burt
Too bad it never happened. (That is, were it to have been supposed at the time.) #dubai…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Here’s an interesting problem regarding the #aesthetics in reproduction of #digital #image|s. (Interesting to me, at least, and also, maybe, to people like @_menkman, @jbirken, @Sierra_Offline, @kevindriscoll and @GIFmodel). 1/38
What I’ll say is true for all digital images, in a way. (And more generally, for all works of art.) But I want to focus on one type of images and on one set of aesthetic qualities in particular here. 2/38
The problem that’s bothering me is this: What is the proper way to show an early digital #screen image in #print? (Reproduced as a figure in an academic monograph, for example.) 3/38
Read 40 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
RUMOURED RARITY CHECK for #LostPoets @muratpak @poetslost #page #NFT #NFTCommunity

1/ Click on your Poet in opensea, right click, save as png
2/ Download a hex decoder (eg. Hex Fiend)
3/ Open image in hex decoder, convert it to ASCII
Read 15 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
"What did [Clinton campaign members at the Race to Change the World event in London on July 11, 2016] say against you that made you think it was about religion?"

"I think there's a lot of circumstantial evidence -- I'll get into it at some point."

#Page #Albright #Halper
Warsaw Summit was July 8-9, 2016, which was a day after Page gave a speech at the New Economic School in Moscow.

The next day (July 10), Page flew out to London to attend Cambridge's Race to Save the World event, where he ran into Halper, Albright, and other assorted HRC goons.
Page meets w/Halper, Dearlove, Albright, et al on July 11-12, 2016 in London (Schrage points the finger at Dearlove.)
Read 7 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
"On February 4, 2014, an audio recording of a phone call between then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland appeared on YouTube."

"[Redacted] targeting of Pyatt and Nuland is noteworthy because of Kilimnik's close proximity to both." Image
"On February 17, 2016, Page wrote an email regarding the February 2014 release of the phone conversation between Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, a story he would repeatedly cite as an example of Clinton's mismanagement of foreign policy." Image
"I don't think I've ever met [Mr. Kilimnik], that name does not sound familiar."

"To the best of my recollection, I don't think I've ever crossed paths with Mr. Kilimnik."


Read 3 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
"Dan Jones said 'Steele did ask me to assist him in communicating with some parties.' When asked who, Jones replied "The Senate Intelligence Committee..." In referring to 'the Committee,' Jones meant the Minority Staff Director, with the consent of the Staff Director." Image
"Dr. Page emailed Reporter #1 while bcc'ing the Defendant, James Wolfe, on May 8, 2017. Each of those two other top SSCI staff addressees, Staff Director Christopher Joyner and Minority Staff Director Michael Casey, were the same people bcc'ed on his email a few days later on." Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
Hannity: [The media leak strategy] was the FBI and DOJ coordinating against you. Your reaction?

Page: ...I just remember six years ago tonight, my good friend, Chris Stevens, lost his life in a very similar situation.

Hannity: Benghazi. The Ambassador.

Bartiromo: You had dealings with certain people. You had worked with the FBI and the State Dept before.

Page: I was asked various questions — not only by State, FBI, etc. — but also CIA. I had a longstanding relationship with the CIA going back decades.

" of the guys I worked closely with [at a foreign policy think tank] was Chris Stevens, who was the Iran Desk Officer at the State Dept in '98-99. We had a long ongoing dialogue. A lot of similarities between what happened with him and, you know..."…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 10th 2020
"Sergei Skripal is a guy that allegedly had some bad things happen to him after he was talking with people. If those types of things actually did happen and, without any warning, this is being done to me, then it's certainly putting myself at risk." #Page…
uhhh Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
"Further, SSA [Somma] introduced that it was not coincidental that Podobnyy later met with PAGE, because the FBI knew that Podobnyy replaced Bulatov in his job role."
Read 3 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
"It goes back to the speech I gave in Moscow. If you have mutual respect, and you show respect for the other side of the table, it'll lead to a much better end result, contrary to a lot of the things Bill Browder was just saying to you." -- Carter Page…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2020
#Page #House #Senate #Mueller

New date?
Ha. Forgot I had written about this. Seems the date is new.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 24th 2020
#Page #Albright #Halper

Read 7 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
Hmm.....I seem to recall @carterwpage saying somewhere that there was a professor at Georgetown who used to (and still does) employ the term "Soviets" instead of Russians.
Name of the professor escapes me at the moment. Don't think it was said during a tv interview.

Might've been included in a letter, as an aside or a footnote.

Ah, oh well.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
#TweetStorm - Expensive or deserves to be Expensive ? 1)One thumb rule for screening expensive companies is Market Cap to Sales or Enterprise Value to Sales. A 10x or more is generally expensive unless the company can grow sales rapidly or has extremely high Net Profit Margins.
2)Another way to look at expensive is if the Market Cap is equal to the Total Sales of the Addressable Market Size. This would lead to company having to launch different products in the future.
3)May not be the approach to take a Sell Decision or a Short Sell Decision. Very few companies can command such high valuations. Thumb Rule is just to review the investment thesis and the quality of the business. If doubts on quality , get out.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 11th 2019

Origins TrumpRussia Investigation

FISA Russian Banks & Carter Page

FVEYs, USIC CounterInteligence & FBI’s CrossFire Hurricane Investigations
April (2016) the CIA director was shown intelligence that worried him. It was - allegedly - a tape recording of a conversation about money from the Kremlin going into the US presidential campaign.…
🔑The taskforce included six agencies or departments of government. Dealing with the domestic, US, side of the inquiry, were the FBI, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Justice.…
Read 48 tweets

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