VIX Index levels-
1. Ultra Low <12.5
2. Low 12.5 to 15
3. Medium 15 to 17.5
4. Normal 17.5 to 20
5. High 20 to 25
6. Ultra high 25+
(1/n) #optiontrading
61% , 72% , 52% , 47% , 65% and 78% Respectively for mentions above VIX Level Range @ Entry time
2.2% , 2.7% ,3.3% ,3.7% , 4.5% and 6.7% Respectively as per VIX Level at entry time.
When option prices are cheaper, The VIX Index is lower since the VIX measures 30D options on INDEX
The amount of premium collected for selling an option doesn’t not determine success/profits (4/n)
An exception to the above wold be if there’s an upcoming political/economic event that is perceived to be significant.
71%, 71,% 51%, 49%, 72% and 69% Respectively as per VIX Levels at entry time.
@Abhishekkar_ @sahneydeepak
@kabhilash02 @harrie007
@VijayThk @rachitpjain
@AlgoBoffin @PAVLeader
@CAPratik_ @preeti112019
@Atulsingh_Asan @thedumbtrader
@stocks_in @Geodirectit @Ram11310514 @piyushkaggarwal