7 years ago, 13 tweets, 9 min read Read on Twitter
Why wait until you graduate college, or finish an online course before your efforts are rewarded.

Pause for a second and smile as we introduce a project called Knowledge from the @KNWtoken team that proposes a concept that would leave you jaw dropped.

#crypto, #Blockchain, #BTC
mentions 1/ Knowledge platform is a project that pays you for learning. Yes, it's not magical. That's how it was meant to be from the beginning. Nature designed us to be attracted to things that yields immediate results each e.g. eating. Why must Knowledge be different?

mentions 2/ It leverages blockchain technology to implement it's KNW tokens and to store information of value to advertisers, educators, users etc. in a transparent manner. This gives confidence to all the parties involved.

The backbone of the platform is the Knowledge Score.

mentions 3/ The knowledge score tracks and measures the user's knowledge on a vast set of topics. With the knowledge score, advertisers and other third parties would garner actionable intelligence about their target customers.

#crypto, #Blockchain, #BTC, #KNOWLEDGE
mentions 4/ The knowledge score can be accessed individually or aggregated. For example, a user that is knowledgeable in Maths but not in English would be engaged by third parties at different levels of the knowledge funnel.

#crypto, #Blockchain, #BTC, #KNOWLEDGE
mentions 5/ The knowledge funnel classifies users based on their Knowledge score. There are five levels presently, once you get to the last level you become a Knowledge Expert/Star.

Knowledge score isn't just a score, it's composed of Knowledge lines, interest lines and review lines
mentions 6/ Knowledge lines define the depth and breadth of a person's knowledge about a topic. Interest lines define how interested a person is about a topic. Review lines define how a person's action is perceived by others. All of these put together tell a brilliant story about a user.
mentions 7/ Advertisers can now vet the credibility of a publisher, users become not just consumers of a product but advocates of the brand, donors can validate non-profit organizations they wish to donate to. All these are possible because of the knowledge score.

#crypto, #Blockchain
mentions 8/ In order to ensure that users retain what they learnt, Knowledge platform plans to launch a Memory Spar game that uses the techniques of gamified learning

The platform also have a Trivia Spar game. It's here that advertisers, employers etc. target their audience effectively
mentions 9/ The trivia spar game is a Q&A game. Users answer questions on topics generated by advertisers, employers, schools etc. and get paid in KNW tokens for their Knowledge.

The more the user answers questions on topics correctly, the higher the Knowledge score.

#crypto, #Bitcoin
mentions 10/ Knowledge platform invented a new pricing model called CPR(Cost Per Response) whereby a publisher is paid for every response given to a question. This is unique because if the publisher compromises, his knowledge score would be affected

This is ingenuity at its peak
mentions 11/ KNW token isn't mined by cryptographic hashing but just loving questions or usage of apps and sites that have knowledge value. The amount of KNW tokens received for answering questions decreases with time as the number of tokens in circulation increases.

mentions 12/ Knowledge platform is the decentralized version of Google in Google ad words, Amazon in e-commerce, Udemy in education.

If you are looking for a project of the future, this is a project for the future. If you don't love it, your kids would.

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