First, you'll notice some weird variable names: showArticle, textAside, openReader, firstDescription. 2/13
Let's clean up the code a little bit and see what's actually going on here. 3/13…
Throw a debugger; on line 32 or 33 and then drop the code in devtools and run it. 4/13
The addClass function is doing some XOR work with the second argument ('kpwajqjds1e'):
r += String.fromCharCode(x ^ String(k[j]).charCodeAt())
As you step through the code you get a little more clarity. 5/13
textAside: "setAttribute"
propTable: "/checkout/" // this will be whatever URL path your browser is on
veryLeft: "indexOf"
openReader: "src"
firstDescription: head (as in the DOM object)
positionSkin: appendChild
The next thing is a for loop, that iterates through the pickSidebar array, which is another collection of obfuscated strings. 8/13
addClass(pickSidebar[i], 'kpwajqjds1e')
Now step through the loop, see what it's looking for? onestepcheckout, checkout, onepage, onestep, firecheckout, securecheckout, idecheckoutvm, oscheckout, pagamento, odeme, and fechar-compra 9/13…
Basically we're just removing any checks on the URL path, and then commenting out the code that adds the code to the page. That for loop is weird because they didn't throw some { } around the body of it 11/13