That is false. Simple public records searches make that obvious
But don’t let facts get in your way @DrDannielle, that’s part of being a #QAnon grifter
False. News & court records show Epstein lived in Palm Beach FL. before jail
After his 2009 release, lives in NYC & his island
Don’t check simple facts @DrDannielle, that’s part of being a #QAnon grifter

She can’t handle facts
A) Kappy made many false accusations to @gabehoff & AOS
Stating facts, in response to lies, isn’t “attacking Kappy”
B) @drdannielle can’t cite a time stamp where Kappy mentioned #QAnon in the video
B/c he didn’t

A) tweet after tweet promoting a video of Isaac Kappy’s false accusations, listing all the details
B) We cited facts & exposed many lies
C) “as for fact-checking, I don’t recall stating that all of Kappy’s comments are true”
D) Blocks us

Please let her know about this
By posting a link to this thread in her mentions