This beautiful fulfilling moment!
As if in slow motion, I slowly rub my chest with my right hand as I watch the men dig. I'm about to start the foundation for my house here in my village. My own house!
I won't make my father's mistake.
His health has deteriorated over the past few years so my wife and I saw it necessary to bring him to our house in town so as to take better care of him.
We had come home to the village on the second week of December - immediately after our...
It was hard for us but I imagine it was harder for daddy who loved and enjoyed his big man status. He couldn't bear to give up some of his old habits so he sold more and more of our remaining...
I don't know if mom believed him, but she carried on her new responsibility as the new bread winner with dignity. Daddy couldn't find any white collar job because all he had ...
One morning, after a night of punches and screams, our daddy was nowhere to be seen. But mom, despite her black eye and wounds tended to us as we prepared for school.
Unfortunately, what daddy deemed to be a rainy day, was not a rainy day in her dictionary.
That night, daddy come back and attacked mom. He beat her up again. My siblings and I huddled together and cried for her.
''Oga, e be like say una dey use this place do dustbin.''
The sweating man points at his feet. He had dug a 2 inches hole and was standing in it. Around his feet were pieces of what I imagine are rags. The other men resumed their digging after staring for some minutes.
"Smallie, how una dey?" I asked affectionately.
I could hear the smile in her voice so I knew she was rubbing her swollen belly. This was her fourth and hopefully her last.
"How is it going sef?'' she continued.
"My dear, it's...."
Alarmed, I turn back to the men and see them out of the hole staring and pointing into it.
Phone call forgotten, I rush towards the hole . There was a skeleton there.
Almost immediately, a feeling of dread comes over me as i stare hard at it.
I know it. I knew it. Slowly, I ease myself into the what was once a grave
I can hear the men shout at me as I pinch away caked earth from the feet. Those pieces weren't rags. They had been clothes buried to hide away a murder.
The world was silent as I sank into the earth. In that silence , I can faintly hear my sister's voice coming through the phone in panic.
"Ikenna, what's happening? Talk to me! What's happening?..."
I cut the call.