1. Onion-garlic is basic veg nutrition + lends taste
2. Critics aren't demanding chicken-mutton
3. Many Hindus protesting notion of 'satvik' UC food being "pure", others impure
4. Muslims /Waqf unelated to this
5. Muslims don't lynch non-veg /pork eaters
6. Shame on you
Would rich folks feed their kids bland, 'satvik' food even if it was 'nutritious' & 'hygienic'? Taste matters.
- Hindu NGO Akshay Patra, run by Hindu temple ISKON
- Hindu bland 'saatvik' meals given to kids
- Hindus protesting UC 'saatvik' notions of 'purity' & nutrition
But Ranga ji drags in innocent Muslims for marketing gimmicks. #SlowClaps
But onion-garlic & eggs for poor kids shatters their faith. Lol
5% income over expenditures as per their balance sheet.
Pls read this thread too
If trustees of Akshay Patra can sell/export meat, surely they cannot deny kids onion, garlic, eggs on "religious grounds"??
Credit @SwetaDash93

Would rich, urban parents feed satvik food to their kids daily to meet specious "religious grounds"? @ARanganathan72

And Mr holier-than-thou Pai who's a trustee of Akshay Patra wants hyper-veg food for poor kids. 😂😂
- investor in 'Licious', an online supplier of meat
- his son is investor in a restaurant that sells *beef* products
- is a trustee at Akshay Patra & denies garlic, onion, eggs to poor kids on "religious grounds". WOW

Anand ji went on national television to praise the MDM NGO. Wonder what his esteemed views are now.
Cc: @GorwayGlobal
1. an investor in 'Licious' an online meat supplier
2. is son is investor in a restaurant that serves *BEEF*
But as trustee of Akshay Patra, denies poor kids garlic, onions & eggs on "religious grounds"
Hypocrisy committed suicide 😂😂😂

- is investor in 'sanskaari' meat 'Licious'
- his son is investor in restaurant selling 'sanskaari' BEEF
But as trustee of Akshay Patra denies poor kids 'unsanskaari' onion, garlic, eggs on "religious grounds"
Hope @ARanganathan72 ji will protest