Is #WhiteSupremacy in the LGBTQ Community killing Black Gays?
A colorblind rainbow that slays black men is nothing to be prideful about.…
But it's significant, considering that African-Americans make up only 13.2 percent of the population, according to a 2014 report from the U.S. Census Bureau."…
Perhaps one of the most shameful things that keeps coming up in my brief research on this topic: There seems to be a rush by some black gays to direct attention away from white-supremacy in the gay community -- whilst hypocritically raging against The Black Church.
Will #BlackLivesMatter (Deroy) engage that?
I seriously doubt it.
It doesn't really fit the narrative -- does it?
Maybe they can't do it because they're on their fucking knees begging the white men for money -- whilst their black gay brethren die.
Research suggest that these biased views (largely shaped by white-supremacy) inform how non- black gays engage black gay men.
Consequence: Black gay men (small group already) get hurt the most because it limits their networks - causing the virus to spread faster.
That kills black bodies?
What kind of rainbow is this where black men come out of the closet to die because of biases informed by white supremacy.
What kind of rainbow is this?
Rainbow or bloody rag - built off of black pain?