It requires as much study, experimentation, introspection and experience as any other complex skill.
Value = Effort * Productivity
Where value is something that *really* matters, like happiness, wealth creation, or community impact.
Guess which one is easier to do.
Productivity is not working harder, it’s being more effective.
You must study yourself to learn what sort of intellectual athlete you are.
Henri Poincaré (French mathematician) worked 4 hours a day…
Both created 100x more value than most of their contemporaries.
. what you work on
. when you work
. how rested you are
. how self-controlled you are
. your skill at a task
You can make step-change improvements in every one of these.
. how self-aware you are
. how much flexibility you have to work where & when is optimal for you
. how much you care about your productivity
But one of my favorites is optimizing *when* you work.
Understand yourself, and then shift your most important work to the time of day when you are most effective.