Well, time to share a story. Let me tell you how our favorite "crazy" cook at our favorite Waffle House ended up being convicted for MURDERERING A CUSTOMER.
Plus, dem Hashbrowns (Scattered, smothered, covered, Fight Me)
Or Crazy Charles as we called him.
Dude was obviously not all there. He'd say the weirdest stuff. But he'd also give us free food. And we were broke teens. So cool.
He asked us if we were up to eat something "special". And it would be free.
Umm...fuck yea, said the hungry, broke-ass teens.
Then after about 15 minutes..he brings it over.
Literally had grease dripping down the side like gross syrup.
And the grin he had while he tried to get us to eat it was.....disturbing.
Runaway for your life crazy?
Well, I have. And that was that moment. I was pretty down with the whole thing and Crazy Charles shtick. I didn't go back for a little awhile.
"Hey remember that Crazy Cook from the Waffle House everyone hung out at?"
"Haha, yea, haven't thought about that forever, why?"
"Well...check the paper"