Backstop only became controversial when @DUPleader Arlene Foster objected to it. /3
But when we went to visit these 'invisible' borders (Swiss-EU, Norway-Swedeny) and found they weren't invisible at all . /4
If IE govt will have to accept some 'local and minor' changes to Single Mkt. /8
Boris/Hunt will have to go for 'no deal', the EU wants a deal..and the EU now not wanting UK 'in the tent'...means "everybody is ready for a deal". /9
concludes: "If you broaden the canvas I believe Irish government will swallow a time limit on the backstop"
Then makes familiar point that GFA constent procedures CAN be used to agree things like SPS regime..../13
Important things this week on #brexit was "important and serious" effort on alternative arrangements by @ShankerSingham1
Says not all international borders have lots of inspections...quotes port of Bristol man he spoke to who said he ZERO customs officers....all intelligence-led. /18
Arlene Foster opens saying 'civilised discourse' is possible, noting she's sharing a panel with Andrew Adonis! /19
Says Lord Bew analysis is "crtiical in bursting that bubble" around the Irish backstop. /20

Concludes with CS Lewis quote "there are far better things ahead than any we leave behind". /24
"Very important" to leave in Oct 31; ducks the Boris/Hunt Q. Says thats for Graham Brady! /25
Says that May failed to push Braid Amendment hard enough, both to Europe and to Dubln.
Says Irish approach has brouht much damage" to relatios since @LeoVaradkar took over. /26
Arlene Foster says "you have to keep no deal on the table to get a better deal...and we shouldn't go for any new extenstions but fix flaws in withdrawal agreement". /27
Arlene Foster @DUPleader ducks that one as a "hypothetical". /28
Paul Bew cites my report saying EU are pushing Irish govt for details - and concludes we are "not quite so far" from a deal as might be assumed. /32
Says 'no deal' is remote chance; Parliament will stop it.
Silence at this @Policy_Exchange event. /34
So says "give people cover withdraw from this situation"..and Irish government to pull back from binding the UK in perpetuity.35
Suggestion George Mitchell might be man to defuse things? /36…