My guess is that it is aimed more at Dublin than at Brussels....some thoughts. 1/thread…
1. The Bill. He wants to attach strings about "when and how" the money is paid over.
This is old Brexiteer (@DavidDavisMP) thinking - the 'bill' as down payment on future, rather than EU view of settling debt /2
Boris will argue he will 'tackle hard' in second half, but needs more than warm words. Needs to point to leverage. /3…
I suspect many of the ideas laid out yesterday by @ShankerSingham1 - see here and Tweet threads from y'day.…
Again. Something concrete that he can point to, to argue that the Phase Two dynamic will be different. That AA will have to be made to work /9
Then the choice facing Dublin is between 'no deal' chaos now (and guaranteed economic damage) - or a concession that leads to a prolonged hunt for alternative arrangements, and the much more distant risk of a 'no deal' /11
a) 4% GDP loss in year one, per Irish Central Bank
b) a return to a border in Ireland, assuming Dublin wont want checks with EU26. /12…
Particularly if a Johnson administration could show a majority for WA with a 'time-limit', and the 'fix' could be sold as a great 'win' and act of statesmanship by @LeoVaradkar to save the day.
Mmmm... /14
1) Leo has politics too! Polls show 8/10 Irish votes want him to stand firm on the backstop.
If British pressure goes on with veiled economic threats, you could see that figure going to 10/10!
In short, bullying will likely backfire. /15
So while an flex is always 'Ireland decision' - it is not limitless. /16
If they sit tight and refuse to budge, then they get either
a) A general election, new maths/government
b) a no deal, but with the EU doing the arm-twisting. /18

For now, Brexiteers remain firmly wedded to the belief they can leave EU single market & customs union and deliver a tech border in pretty short order. /21
Because, for the reasons outlined above, I'm not betting yet on Ireland, or the Irish border communities folding and accepting half-measures./22 ENDS