Been pondering this from a) political b) technical perspective...coz I think optics will be key to what happens after a 'no deal'.
So...after some chats, here's what can be said 1/Thread.
The Dover-Calais strait is a small bore link with huge importance, as @DominicRaab belatedly realised /2…
I often ask: on 'No Deal' + 1/2/3....when the news networks put a drone up over Folkestone/M20, what do they see? This will colour hugely how public views a 'no deal'. /3
One key factor, of course, will be if the UK is agreeing to pay the bill /4
And if, in the end, 'no deal' becomes a kind of mutual admission of failure.
At that point the EU maybe doesn't want to seen as capricious, vicious etc. Avoid being the ogre of the piece /5
Because whatever happens the EU is going to HAVE to levy tariffs - even if it potentially has some discretion on the level of phytosanitary/SPS and other regulatory checks. /7
The Dutch ports have built the software and truck handling system. It has hired 600+ staff. They are ready to rumble. /8… were expecting a 'BUT' right? /9
This is that sunny picture starts to cloud over. /10
So how likely is that?/14

How many business currently have one of those I asked @RHARichardB.
"About 40%"...and there isn't a pick up in registration either.
That isn't to mention the separate licences software etc if you're gonna DIY the declaration/16
Don't you love that "perhaps"? /17
Or they can use a customs agents.../18
After all @BorisJohnson says it's a 'one in a million' chance /19
No deal is imminent one minute; never gonna happen the next.
With the result says @RHARichardB huge numbers of businesses just haven't got their heads round all this /20
Well....the issue there is not the big companies, it's the fact their trucks will have to use the same roads as the small ones. /23
Those delays will also have a potentially huge knock-on effect for Irish truckers using the UK mainland as a 'landbridge' to the EU./24
They'll be waiting to board behind a long queue of others...there will not be an Irish express lane, I understand. /25
The risk is a British inability to manage its own 'managed' no deal. /27/ENDS
1) Am given to understand that HMRC have said they'll 'wave thru' trucks without an EORI customs number, so long as they promise to get one next time.
BUT if ferry companies have deal with Calais not to board that wont help/28