If you struggle to understand which Bitcoin is what, check with Satoshi!
Satoshi mentioned that templates can be added in the future for more transaction types! He saw no limitations in blocksize nor in sorts of transactions!

That lockdown is part of why Bitcoin is decentralised! Nothing in the crypto space today is locked down! BsV will be once they are ready to do so, protecting it’s core design from v0.1!
Satoshi said official version!
How about future proofing?
Block rewards half, miners drive the security of the
Satoshi envisioned that, the subsidies were only there to kickstart
So in short, BTC only works as a form
BCH similarly they are not aggressive enough, they focus on one usecase....
Technicals, BSV scales as per envisioned by Satoshi, low fees (micro fees), 0-conf, as mentioned before it can encompass anything, from tokenization, to real smart contracts (including paperwork on the blockchain), notary service,
Technicals BSV wins again! Decentralization next up.....
A major part of decentralization
It is an interesting subject because for years I realized nobody understood decentralization propery.
The closest I got to understanding it,
LOCK IT DOWN! it is the only way! Nobody get’s to change it! Like the rules of a game of risk! You cheat, you’re out! Globally everyone will understand the rules,
But my argument to that is, they are just getting started, when fees and reward and economic kick in, competition kicks in, so this is not a fair
Next to that node centralization was envisioned by Satoshi, he said if miners get the majority hash
So fair to say BSV wins this one by far, as they lock down the protocol and let me add, anyone knows Bitcoin’s design
Now if you are in it for ideology purposes, all I can say is, BSV has massive plans to change the world, it does not exclude 50% of humanity due to high fees!
Next to that Bitcoin can fight corruption! Understanding what a traceable ledger does whilst
Will it evolve like that, it has the potential to do so..... governments are people, banks are people, we as people can become more accountable through Bitcoin!