#Bitcoin's software has been running for 10 years…
⚡87.6K hrs
⚡3.6K days
⚡370m TXs
To mark history, we’re launching our first interactive feature: #BitcoinAt10. The story of bitcoin, told by its builders: ow.ly/9d3a30nfAuG
Magic Internet Money Wizard? Rollercoaster guy?
Take the red pill to explore CoinDesk’s list of the decade's best bitcoin #memes. (Or don't. Honey badger don't care...)
READ: ow.ly/Rs8e30nfu2g #BitcoinAt10
Don’t let the bearwhale get you. HODL to ride out the Flippening...
Can't make sense of the sentence? We list the 12 best #crypto words of the decade. Think of it as yourr #hyperbitcoinization guide.
READ: ow.ly/uXHr30nfukc #BitcoinAt10
Everyone's got a favorite #bitcoin explainer video – we've got seven.
From the classics like, 'What is Bitcoin?' to newer entries, we salute the videos that explained bitcoin to the masses.
READ: ow.ly/I7Og30nftYi #BitcoinAt10

Eyes wide, arms raised like goalposts, he never stops waiting for his favorite #crypto's price to moon. But what's his motive? Where did he come from?
To The Moon Guy tells his story...
READ: ow.ly/aopi30nfu08 #BitcoinAt10

Sometimes you can't choose the art your audience will love.
#CryptoPop's @helloluis tells us how #bitcoin became his muse, and about his most popular work. Sorry, MoneroCat. Maybe next decade!
WATCH: ow.ly/b2Vv30nftGo #BitcoinAt10

It may have started as a drunken typo, but he turned it into a rallying cry.
We profile the artist @cryptograffiti to talk about how he finds inspiration in #bitcoin, and the stories behind his creations.
READ: ow.ly/AlHv30nfu3R #BitcoinAt10

Maybe they weren't the best way to define digital money... but they've certainly won the 💖s of bitcoin.
We profile physical bitcoins and the people who pioneered the quirky collectable art.
READ: ow.ly/bUS530nfv5v #BitcoinAt10

Physical #bitcoins weren't always respected collector's items, just ask @justmoon.
Stefan shares a story about a lost 25 BTC Casascius coin and its uncertain fate. Don't worry his mom had one, too.
WATCH: ow.ly/qjJM30nftPe #BitcoinAt10

You might not spend your #bitcoin, but @Jon_HQ says you should be glad if you did.
Bitcoin Black Friday may have cost you some satoshis, but it changed the narrative. That's worth more than money.
LISTEN: ow.ly/NL9930nfsYi #BitcoinAt10

Don't know B-Money from hashcash? @adam3us from @chaumdotcom? CoinDesk has you covered.
Trace the history of #bitcoin through its earliest innovators and coders, with our interactive visual map.
EXPLORE: ow.ly/QMeV30nfv85 #BitcoinAt10

When #bitcoin launched, it faced another kind of critic – seasoned cypherpunks who weren't sold on digital cash.
Here's a look at their arguments, and where we are today.
READ: ow.ly/JgH630nfu9N #BitcoinAt10

@gavinandresen isn’t active in #bitcoin anymore, but his early quotes inspired a generation of developers & enthusiasts.
CoinDesk recaps the former bitcoin maintainer's wisest words.
READ: ow.ly/klHm30nfu6H #BitcoinAt10

Not just anyone can be an elite bitcoin developer.
So, how can you spot one? Bitcoin wizard @TheBlueMatt gives CoinDesk his take. Like most things in bitcoin, it's not an exact science...
WATCH: ow.ly/H5Ck30nftS2 #BitcoinAt10

Prophesying the future of #bitcoin was just one of @halfin 's many talents...
CoinDesk salutes the first coder to run the software with a lookback at his life and legacy.
READ: ow.ly/Nauu30nfubC #BitcoinAt10

Certified #bitcoin wizard. Part-time Chuck Norris?
@pwuille made 1,000+ commits to #Bitcoin over the last decade. We trace his work back to 1991 in our complete guide to the OP_RETURN Jedi.
READ: ow.ly/MoGC30nfuez #BitcoinAt10

Adding text to #bitcoin's genesis block was more than a political message.
But don't take our word for it. @pwuille and @StuartHaber break down how future #crypto scams f'ed up where Satoshi succeeded.
READ: ow.ly/1qJm30nfuhb #BitcoinAt10

You could have been at an online IRC party. That's where @LukeDashjr found his passion and got his first #bitcoin (and we're better for it).
Hear a bitcoin wizard tell his origin story.
WATCH: ow.ly/H51u30nftJi #BitcoinAt10

Where does #bitcoin go to die? (It doesn't and hasn't.)
Still, others say it will, and when they do @99BitcoinsHQ is there. Hear the story of the website built by #crypto's favorite crypt-keepers.
LISTEN: ow.ly/Sorr30nfvaM #BitcoinAt10

Bitcoin and child trafficking? Regulators once thought they were the same.
They don't anymore. @Jim_Harper, @virtuallylaw & @msantoriESQ tell the story of those who stood up and spoke out.
READ: ow.ly/78nk30nfumB #BitcoinAt10

The alleged founder of drug market Silk Road, Ross Ulbricht has the ultimate #bitcoin war story.
From our Q&A – "Hopefully I’ll get out soon, and I can find a place where I can contribute,” he says.
READ: ow.ly/osmL30nfuqs #BitcoinAt10

The creator of crypto's most famous typo shares his tale.
1 part booze, 2 parts depression. Here's how #HODL went from the keyboard of Mike Sodaro and into the minds of millions.
WATCH: ow.ly/jatf30nfBEe #BitcoinAt10

And won? Not quite, but it was a fight...
We talk to @The_K_meister, who tells the story of his confrontation with @magicaltux and how he became a symbol for those who lost millions in the failed exchange.
WATCH: ow.ly/Mz1L30nftN6 #BitcoinAt10

Silk Road might have grabbed headlines for the wrong reasons, but the history books might be kinder.
@JeremyRubin gives his take on why bitcoin may have helped paved the way for future drug policy.
LISTEN: ow.ly/oyZA30nft6X #BitcoinAt10

That was just another day in the early years of #bitcoin.
Just ask @juanllanos who was part of the launch of a new policy group on the day @RealRossU was arrested. Talk about timing...
LISTEN: ow.ly/KVB430nft9X #BitcoinAt10

And ends with yet another story of #bitcoin empowerment.
@mklords of @bitcoinnotbombs shares how it took government action for her to see the potential of crypto as a force for good.
LISTEN: ow.ly/mnoy30nfteI #BitcoinAt10

The best worst #bitcoin trader explains his frustration with the term he created, and why it's become something he doesn't quite believe in.
WATCH: ow.ly/APr030nftL2 #BitcoinAt10

If it wasn't for that US state, this innovator just might have disrupted online ads with the power of #bitcoin.
Instead, @JeremyRubin got a legal letter, a big setback and a bitcoin war story.
LISTEN: ow.ly/yNcp30nftx0 #BitcoinAt10

@VinnyLingham, @BarrySilbert, @Lopp, @RogerVer.
You may love them (or love to hate them). Here, some of the biggest #bitcoin celebrities read tweets from their detractors.
WATCH: ow.ly/DrsO30nfwSL #BitcoinAt10

The first Twitter account to #bitcoin? That would be @Martien.
We tracked him down and he told his story of how he found bitcoin in 2010, lost interest and (probably) lost a possible fortune.
WATCH: ow.ly/JXl030nfv0U #BitcoinAt10

Well, the answer is... talk to literally everyone about it.
Here's how @derose found bitcoin (and the Miami bars where he annoyed everyone and anyone about it).
LISTEN: ow.ly/ehE330nftrI #BitcoinAt10

That annoying #bitcoin enthusiast on @facebook … Oh no, he's posting again!
That was @mycryptoguru and he's not sorry about it. In fact, he thinks you should have listened.
LISTEN: ow.ly/QWLQ30nftu1 #BitcoinAt10

They're never good... Just ask @kanzure one of the project's most prestigious coders (and a certified wizard).
In fact, Bryan thought it was a piece of... Well, you can hear it from him...
LISTEN: ow.ly/iHbM30nftk1 #BitcoinAt10

@RogerVer was like you... Well, maybe more intense...
He loved bitcoin so much he obsessed about it for days, and ended up in a hospital. Hear the strange start to his bitcoin love story.
LISTEN: ow.ly/t52z30nftzs #BitcoinAt10

As legend has it, it's where @vitalikbuterin developed #ethereum, where @schildbach made the 1st mobile #bitcoin wallet.
Should you believe the ultimate #crypto bar story? We'll let you be the sober judge.
READ: ow.ly/wRp730nfv3u #BitcoinAt10

Then some weirdo gave her a physical #bitcoin (and she was weird enough to accept it).
Here's how @Blockstream's @kiarafrobles fell down the #blockchain rabbit hole for good.
LISTEN: ow.ly/30q630nftBC #BitcoinAt10

Remember @StumbleUpon? Until 2018, the website just might have directed you to internet gold.
That's how @justmoon found #bitcoin, and he's been coding #crypto ever since.
LISTEN: ow.ly/x1AO30nftV0 #BitcoinAt10

That's @BitcoinErrorLog's rabbit hole story.
Now it's taken over his normal career and normal life. For the better. Sorry, advertising.
LISTEN: ow.ly/apuw30nftDv #BitcoinAt10

For early #crypto, @TheLTBNetwork was the state of the industry.
@S_Murphy_PhD recalls how she went from accepting bitcoin to helping form one of its earliest and most vital podcasts.
LISTEN: ow.ly/a8qS30nftEM #BitcoinAt10

#Bitcoin’s #Lightning network may be its great hope, but if it wasn’t for the US government, it might have never happened.
Well, at least @tdryja wouldn’t have been involved… And that's important.
READ: ow.ly/II6r30nfuXj #BitcoinAt10

#BitcoinAt10 is just getting started.
CoinDesk will be rolling out more content in the weeks and months ahead. Because 10 years of bitcoin IS a big deal.
SEE THE FULL SERIES: ow.ly/9d3a30nfAuG

@alexbosworth, @watersNYC, @AsherT, @Avivz78, @barrysilbert, @kanzure, @derose, @ChrisPacia, @conniegallippi, @Cryptograffiti, @gallancy, @ElaineRShi, @eric_lombrozo, @martindale, @Ferdinando1970, @gavinandresen, @gavofyork, @halfin, @NNoetik, @lopp
@borntobank @JeremyRubin @Jim_Harper, @JosephFiscella, @BitcoinErrorLog, @JonathanMohan, @jon_hq, @JordanTuwiner, @jcp, @JuanLlanos, @kiarafrobles, @helloluis, @LukeDashjr, @msantoriESQ, @MargauxWithAnX, @TheBlueMatt, @mikebelshi, @mklords, @murchandamus
@ofirbeigel, @ioptio, @virtuallylaw, @neha, @pwuille, @PindarWong, @rogerkver, @RealRossU, @Ryan_Singer, @ryanxcharles, @Excellion, @ShaneMatsuo, @justmoon, @S_Murphy_PhD, @StuartHaber, @tdryja, @theymos, @ToTheMoonGuy, @VinnyLingham