1. I was bombarded by thoughts and it literally incapacitated me. 1/n
3. I started reading book by "You are not your Brain" by Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. is an American psychiatrist...2/n
3. He advised us to look our thoughts as a third (rational) person or a Wise Advocate and do what the that Wise Advocate would do and not what the OC thoughts said. 3/n
5. Amidst the bombarding thoughts I would do what Holy Spirit through Bible verses would tell me to do 4/n
9. My Mind, that was renewed by the Word, literally changed my physical brain as per the book. 7/n
11. I also understood the deeper meaning of "Renewing Mind." It means to get new information and not fighting with old information... 8/n
12. Therefore when you mentioned "Do not dialogue with your strongholds" is a right statement.
13. Instead the focus should be dialogue with the Word and in the Word. These are new information.
14. God bless9/9