A few weeks later I am getting around to it.
Am I going to get myself into trouble again?
"What MIFID II revealed is that sell-side research just isn’t worth much. It’s just not."
S/S analyst written work (even primers) is the beginning not the end. If a 3-10yr B/S generalist covering 50-100 stocks over 2yrs
B/S analyst reads primers, cribs model, then talks to noone who knows more than he/she did a few days ago, and the result is worthwhile?
Yes, you can D/L a no-forecast F/S or BBG model. If content with that, good luck.
Analysts are paid to read through data and between lines.
B/S is paid to use to their benefit the combined collective wisdom of others. I've ALWAYS been able to make use of S/S.
Will a S/S analyst replace a PM? No. That's not the point.
This @FTAlphaville piece does better.
It definitely means spending differently, and could easily involve spending more, not less.
When full unbundling comes to the US, the buy side should embrace it. S/S too if they are smart.
(Tho Europe taking it on PnL was a bad idea).
Process still matters. And expertise is where you find it. Denying that a decent chunk of the world's specialist financial markets interlocuteurs provide any value is honestly strange.
Even buy-side is sell-side to someone.
[and flame-retardant suit o'clock]
Stay thirsty my friends.