@SimpleEnergy and @Tendril are merging to form a new company — which is now the leader in energy software and will power the fight against climate change.
Our new company is @Uplight 1/

We had one requirement for whatever we built: it had to “do well (financially)by doing Good (for the world).”
It wasn’t enough to make money and give it away. We had to make money while saving the planet.
Simple, right? 5/
The fact that these incredibly successful guys were out there helping newbies like us was crazy to me. 6/
He told me that I needed to do three things:
(1) Move to #Boulder,
(2) Join @Techstars and learn from the incredible @nglaros, and
(3) Meet @BWEnwall, the founder of a company called @Tendril 7/
I moved to #Boulder and @BWEnwall became our lead mentor in @Techstars, introduced us on #DemoDay, and even invested. Tim would later lead @Revolv (bought by @GoogleNest) and now runs @MistyRobotics. He’s a genius and a mensch. 8/
We raised close to $1 million. We felt like a legit startup.
I tried to move us to SF, but thankfully @bfeld intervened again and convinced us to stay (That was time #2). 9/
No way.
A couple years in, our small team had no real product-market and a few pilot customers.
We’d been rejected by over 100 VCs. Startup life wasn’t proving as glamorous as we’d hoped. 12/
They invested, they supported, and, later, they threw good money after bad when, objectively speaking, all was lost.
I’m proud of the very strong returns we’ve now delivered for them. 14/
There was infighting and fiefdom building and we solved every problem by hiring more people. But, there wasn’t any revenue growth.
Within 16 months, we were days from being cash-out. 15/
They offered less money than we’d raised — but, said they’d still make sure both @justsegall and I got millions on top of that.
“Who cares about your early investors?” they said.
We did. 16/
He cleared his calendar and we all charted a new course.
We agreed that, just maybe, if we cut deep enough and pushed hard enough and got lucky — we might survive. (That was time #3) 17/
Good people who did exactly what they were told were fired because we had been reckless, distracted, and unfocused.
It was the hardest thing I’ve had to do; and, it nearly killed the company. 18/
But, for us, that was actually the beginning. 19/
GOALS: We put a whiteboard up and posted sticky notes for every dollar that came in the door. That whiteboard still stands (we now have four sets of goals at a time) 20/

We went from $4mm in revenue to $12mm to $24mm to $45mm! And we did it without raising another dime of equity because we didn’t need any.
This thing was finally working! 23/
They promised to be a great partner, to mostly to stay out of our hair, and to fund growth and acquisitions.
And, they did all of those things. 24/
And the feeling was mutual: Tendril’s CEO, @adriantuck, and I had been talking about bringing the companies together for years.
We had similar missions and values and were both still in Boulder. 25/
Just as we were on our rollercoaster, they were on theirs, and by late last year, had partnered w/ Rubicon Technology Partners (a PE firm).
RTP wasn’t selling and neither was AES.
It didn’t look possible. 26/
Instead of us buying them or them buying us, we’d put the companies together and start something entirely new. It wouldn’t be @SimpleEnergy or @Tendril.
The market needed a new leader. The climate needed this. 27/
Birthed from the merger of @SimpleEnergy and @Tendril. Backed by an amazing set of capital partners (including both @TheAESCorp and RTP).
Comprised of more than 300 incredibly talented people, serving over 75 utilities, and covering over 100 million homes. 28/

Nearly a decade after starting up, we’re starting anew!
Now there are three of us: @JustSegall and I are both fully on-board (we “rolled” 100% of our equity into the merger) and @adriantuck is @Uplight’s CEO. Bam! 29/

Together, we’ll create a more sustainable future. 30/end