A year ago, we conducted a pilot program with the objective to determine if sending handwritten #PostcardsToVoters to Dems in FL to encourage them to sign up for vote by mail (VBM) would result in an increase in signups.

One of the pilot counties was Pasco County. Starting July 31st, 2018, #PostcardsToVoters volunteers from across the country mailed handwritten postcards to Pasco Democrats who were not already signed up to vote by mail. The content and creativity on the postcards varied, but
...all postcards had the same three bits of information:
1. Skip long lines and vote in comfort at home.
2. Sign up easily for Vote By Mail by calling toll-free: 1-800-851-8754
3. When Democrats vote by mail, Democrats win!
We estimated that the first postcards arrived in Pasco mailboxes on August 3rd. The last addresses were given out on August 9th meaning the last postcards arrived by August 15th.
The VBM signup data from June 1 - August 31, 2018 was retrieved from Votebuilder by...
...the Kelly Smith for Pasco County Commissioner Campaign and the data was analyzed by her campaign manager Mary Jones. Mary has experience with statistical analysis and has conducted a number of academic studies.
Highlights of her findings are shared in this thread.
Sending handwritten postcards to voters definitely had a noticeable effect on Vote by Mail signups among Pasco Democrats. The two weeks that postcards were arriving in Pasco there was a lot of buzz in person and online among those that received the postcards.
The sentiment was overwhelmingly positive and helped push forward the idea of postcards as a way to reach voters.
One voter came to the Pasco Dem Executive Committee meeting because the postcard he received made him realize that there were Dems to connect with in the area.
The spike of August vote by mail signups from August 8 - 15 lines up with the Postcard to Voters effort and can reasonably be contributed to that.
We will continue this program to make a difference in every one of Florida's 67 counties.
To help develop stronger voting habits among Democrats. Habits that will improve in every local election and special election leading up to the November 2020 election.
When Democrats receive ballots mailed to them automatically, participation reaches a 32:1 advantage.
On the anniversary of this program, please invite your friends, clubs, organizations, and followers to write with us!
They can text JOIN to (484) 275-2229 or email us at Join@TonyTheDemocrat.org
Thanks to Kelly Smith and Mary Jones for their hard work!
Write on!