Set a bold policy goal and a deadline far enough in the future that you can be sure you will no longer be in office
🚬End smoking by 2030 in England
🚗Amsterdam plans to ban all polluting vehicles by 2030
🌍Von der Leyen has called for a 55% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030
🌳Net zero U.K. carbon emissions by 2050

Instead, future leaders can drop the ball without much blowback

🚬16.6% of British adults still do today and it’s not clear why two-thirds of them might quit within the next six years

Now the goal is to merely “reduce the gap” between reality and the target set in 2002

🚘At that rate, it could phase out internal combustion engines by 2030

If that drops to 15%, it’d take until 2048 for all new car sales to be electric. A ban on petrol and diesel cars would do it, but would be politically difficult

Hitting climate goals sooner requires sustained political courage. It looks like current governments lack it