Let me introduce you to 🥁🥁
VIRAL #HEPATITIS B and C, which kills 1.4 million people/yr, with 9x more infections than HIV and increasing death rates!
...yet the majority of global leaders and the public remain unaware!
@Fmohnigeria @nassnigeria
Despite this situation, much can be done👇🏽.
But how many of us have ever heard about it?
How many have taken action (Gotten Screened and vaccinated (ifnegative)
Treated when positive?
Most of the people living with hepatitis - over 80% - lack access to testing or treatment.
At the same time, people are becoming newly infected due to a lack of prevention services
Ensure that national hepatitis testing and treatment plans include dedicated funding and investments
Host: @youthhubafrica
Guest: @drzobo
Join the conversation using the following hash tags:
- #YSMANG #WorldHepatitisDay2019.
See you there. Let’s find the missing billions together.
Stay safe and RT