Jul 29th 2019, 11 tweets, 9 min read Read on Twitter
mentions Yeah, so which test is going to pick up an athlete who intelligently micro-doses to get Hb up from say 14.6 to 14.8 (within normal variation), or who recovers 5% better (“I’m just sleeping amazingly well, coach”), and thus improves by 3% to go from 6th to 1st? No way.
mentions So to be precise, there are many staff who *COULD* notice any changes, but unless that person is doping with a blunt instrument like an axe, it’s not happening. It’s a scalpel these days. Five scalpels, 5 bio-plausible excuses - I’m sleeping well, eating better, lost weight etc.
mentions So in my daily feedback report, thanks to my EPO & T use, & my friendly doping doctor, my recovery is 9 / 10, instead of a previous 7 or 8. I say it’s early bed times, ice baths & no food after 8pm. Everyone monitoring it goes “Shit, Ross is doing great, he’s really disciplined"
mentions My weekly groin squeeze is up 5%, drop jump up 7%, flexibility is the same, but it’s all happening gradually. These drugs are not fireworks, more like slow cookers, so I’m getting 0.5% better per week, like the old frog in boiling water. Nobody will notice, except to say “Ross is
mentions …adapting pretty well, the training is doing its job, let’s push it up a little, 5% more volume, 5% more intensity. Sure enough, I cope with that too (“Thanks Doc, EPO & T & cortisone are great!”), so my coaches all think “Shit, the training is taking hold big time, keep going!"
mentions Now I start losing fat (I’m training 15% more than before, and harder), and so I see a “compound effect” on training, and I’m doing even better, flying. My tolerance to load is unreal, but it didn’t happen overnight, I “earned it” from months of “nudges”. Nobody any the wiser.
mentions The ONLY way this jumps out is if I’m actually a 28-year old journey man athlete, who’s been stuck on level D for 5 or 6 years. Then within a few months, I’m on B, a year later, I’m A, then I’m king of A, on the same training method. Then anyone with a brain should say “Huh?"
mentions Or, how about this scenario: I’ve been stuck at the back, or near it, for years. Once in a while, I’m OK, but never great. Then I absolutely explode. Forgot “slow cooker”, this is a rocket firework. I reach a podium, I win a Grand Tour, I win many of them. Dodgy? Yes, meet Chris.
mentions Or Mo. I’m not proven doping, but the transformation is suspicious. But point is, there’d be no grounds for suspicion in a young athlete who is on a trajectory whose precision is unknowable, & who dopes small enough to improve in increments that “compound” one another in time
mentions Oh, just to add, I have it on good authority that an early sign of “blunt” doping is when training partners notice a difference. “Man, how is XYZ handling this, we’re all stuffed?”. But XYZ is doing 3 high quality sessions in 2 days, no worries. That’s where a coach’s alarm...
mentions …should start ringing, if the athlete has gone “rogue”. But again, if you bring it to boil slowly in a ‘new’ athlete, it’ll stay hidden, because our "crystal ball of expectations" isn’t precise enough to notice a change. We then choose the bioplausible “marginal gains” instead
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