So I have an additional piece of the jigsaw to add to the Matthew Richardson advice and it’s timing.
She said that the data arrived in SCL London in the form of processing towers, not copied hard drives!
So when was the Privacy Policy referred to in this legal advice (date: 17/11/15)from this barrister who had also been UKIP’s General Secretary, put up for all who enter the site?
Rather material…
BUT when I went through web archive to see what version of the Privacy Policy was up on their website at the time the database was transferred to CA/SCL and processed?
Long after it had been passed on and processes by SCL/CA.
Maybe After Ian Warren had provided the Labour Voter profiles and datasets.…
ALL before the Privacy Policy seemingly appeared on the website
What was the ex General Sec of UKIP doing referring to a Privacy Policy that was not on the website. After all. It is a very basic thing to do when providing legal advice to double check what the public could actually see, by looking
And what “plan” resulted from the meeting between him and Andy Wigmore on 12/11/2015.…
16/. I am sure that I read that whilst he was a student (? Engineering) at Oxford or Cambridge that he created software for a University based student “mini Facebook” called CommonRoom or CommonSpace.
Letter sold it for c £1 million.
Richardson knew Bannon before Bannon got the idea of a London Breitbart.…

That Privacy Policy was there.
What was not was the Data Protection Policy that governs how your data will be processed & used.
That link only appears AFTER Dec 2015 on 6/2/16
But it is also possible to look at the properties on the document creation and it looks to me as if those were not approved by the board until the end of November 2015. Still not on the website for the public to see until after December.
After the data has been processed.
After the post hoc advice dated 17/11/2015 and after the Leave EU platform event that succeeded it.
It is more than a year since we first spotted this issue but I was waiting a) for the ICO case to conclude to actually get the database -
b) thus more evidence forthcoming on who knew what and when.