In 2019, while most can post selfies every day, woman are imprisoned for it
This is an injustice that every human should be enraged about
She was sentenced to 16 yrs for this video
For peacefully protesting against being forced to wear hijab in Iran
Help us flood Twitter w her beautiful face and put international pressure
Let these women know we care!
She was sentenced to 23 yrs for giving out flowers, hugs and kisses as she peacefully protested being forced to wear hijab in Iran
No human can ignore this atrocity. Please help these women spread their message
She was sentenced to 16 yrs in prison
In the video below that she made for #InternationalWomensDay she asks you:
“If we get arrested, will you be our voice?”
Will you?
As you cheer on imaginary handmaids, what about REAL women who are fighting REAL fascism?
How is there not a LOUD outcry from @Oprah @melindagates @MichelleObama and other powerful western feminists?