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Mar 19th 2023
Ex-Muslim women and former hijabis are opening up about their religious trauma in this recent TikTok trend.

It’s so empowering to see more and more courageous women finding the freedom to be their unapologetic selves ❤️

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May 11th 2022
On 3 August, 2014, ISIS launched a genocide against the Yezidis living in Sinjar, northern Iraq, which led to the death and disappearance of thousands. Layla, was kidnapped and forced to become a sex slave. She was sold eight times. 1/3 Image
In this photo taken on September 9, 2019, Yezidi Layla Taloo poses for a portrait in the full-face veil and abaya she wore while enslaved by Islamic State militants, at her home in Sharia, Iraq. Her two and a half year ordeal in captivity underscores how 2/3 ImageImage
IS members continually ignored the rules the group tried to impose on the slave system. "They explained everything as permissible. They called it Islamic law. They raped women, even young girls," said Taloo, who was owned by eight men 3/3
#YazidiGenocide Image
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Apr 23rd 2022
Le voile est une obligation qui existe dans la charia sans pour autant exister dans le Coran, il n'y a pas de verset qui ordonne aux femmes de cacher tout leur corps sauf les mains et les visage et encore moins, un verset qui ordonne de cacher leur visage. Thread 1
2. Toutes ces injonctions trouvent origine dans les hadiths (propos attribués à Mahomet) ou dans les ijtihad (travaux des exégètes musulmans à travers les siècles). Le voile est obligatoire dès qu'une fille a ses premières règles car elle devient femme, elle devient aussi...
3. Devient aussi bonne à marier, c'est une femme voyons! Les injonctions sexistes et religieuses sont liées les unes les autres. Devenir "femme" juste en ayant ses menstrues??!! On ne parle pas de la maturité mentale nécessaire mais juste du corps sexualisé à outrance.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
I support the movement behind #NoHijabDay where reformist and ex-Muslimahs are calling out the modesty x rape culture that underlies religious veiling. Being able to choose to be #FreeFromHijab is a right. Women's and girls' bodies are not dirty, sinful, or invitations for rape.
I don't support practices from any religion or culture that divide women into "good & pious" and "dirty whores". Of course, veiled women are still subjected to harassment for e.g. "improperly" veiling. No woman actually wins the patriarchal game & yes, there can be racist abuse.
Whether chosen or not, hijab/chador/burqa all tend to come with further and serious restrictions on female freedom. It's not just sweating in the sun - there can be restrictions on her movement, sports, education, sexuality, marriage, etc. Millions of women and girls suffer FGM.
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Jan 29th 2022
Obro un fil de 29 piulades i 6104 caràcters sobre «Criticar l'integrisme islàmic és islamofòbia?» 28-1-2022
1/29 Tenim a Catalunya una esquerra líquida que no ha llegit ni Marx ni Lenin i que està més pendent de les modes ianquis que de fer la revolució. Són els reis de la incoherència: anticapitalistes partidaris del capitalisme d'estat…
2/29 són feministes però es rendeixen al patriarcat xarista; són antiimperialistes però fan colònies d'estiu a Chiapas o Nicaragua convertits en agents de l'imperialisme lingüístic castellà, arrasant cultures que havien resistit 500 anys;
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Jan 18th 2022
All my sisters who have the experienced the brutally under Sharia laws are now united. Women of Iran, Afghanistan and all Middle Eastern who still get lashes, jailed, killed and Kicked out from their homeland for demanding freedom and dignity now asking the world: #LetUsTalk
How many countries do you know that women are in jail or get lashes because of being #FreeFromHijab?
At least 5 anti compulsory hijab activists are in jail. Saba Kordafshari was only 20 years old, she received 27 years prison sentence and Yasaman received 16 years. #LetUsTalk
This is our version of women’s march for #NoHijabDay. We call on feminists to help us to be heard .This is 21st-century and we want to be our true self without being oppressed. We want to be free to criticize any religions including Islam without being censored. #LetUsTalk
Read 5 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
In Yemen, I was forced to wear the hijab at the age of six and the niqab around thirteen, and when decided to take off the niqab, half of my family abandoned me, and then when I took off the hijab and the abaya, I lost everything. 👇🏾
I was subjected to a disciplinary board and an investigation by the University Security Department, and I was expelled from the university housing, and threatened on the street by extremists and racists. 👇🏾
I'm in France at the moment and there are political currents that consider the hijab a personal choice, and the truth is that it is not.
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Dec 29th 2021
In Canada I was forced in hijab at 9, niqab at 19. I was disowned & threatened w death because I chose what to wear on my body. In the West I’m told sharing my story will cause Islamophobia. I’m a woman from Mid East and I’m scared of Islamic ideology. Let us talk. #FreeFromHijab
I don’t know if I’m more angry, sad, or scared of the way the West is not only failing women like me, but failing themselves.
Watch #ForgottenFeminists to listen and learn from brave women who have not only fought against the mullahs in Muslim majority countries, but against the useful idiots in the west as well:…
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Sep 13th 2021
When I started this account 5 yrs ago, I chose a cover photo of a Yazidi woman freed from ISIS, removing the black body bag she was encased in to reveal her colorful dress below. It’s so poignant.

Today #AfghanWomen all over Twitter are doing the same 🇦🇫

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Apr 24th 2021
This is why I get so upset at Western support of misogynist constraints on Muslim women. There are many girls who are in a tug-of-war between two world views. Your support of hijab pushes girls further into an honor and shame culture they could potentially escape.

#FreeFromHijab Image
As I’ve said in articles and interviews, first-generation girls like me are now getting the same msgs inside AND outside the home. There’s no reprieve. At least in my day, there were feminist icons to show us why purity culture was toxic. Today those icons support our subjugation
The above excerpt is from Prey by @Ayaan
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Apr 5th 2021
I will engulf myself in PTSD triggers to bring you this thread. I hope you care enough to bother scrolling through.

Women in #Iran, #Afghanistan, #Pakistan attacked w acid because of ‘improper’ hijab.

Look at their faces.…
A sixteen year old girl in #Canada is strangled to death by her father and her brother because she didn’t want to wear hijab.

Look at her sweet face. Sixteen years old. Killed by her father and brother. Over hijab. Hear that. Feel that.
Fifteen girls were left to burn to death in their school in #SaudiArabia because they weren’t wearing proper hijab.
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Feb 5th 2021
No. It is not absurd. Did you even take the 30 seconds to watch the video where @theWatcher3998 clarifies?

Hijab perpetuates victim blaming. It perpetuates slut shaming. Those are cornerstones of rape culture.

Examples of slut-shaming: the hijab perpetuates the toxic myth that women who wear it are good and clean and pure and women who do not are filthy whores.

#HijabIsRapeCulture ImageImage
The onus is constantly put on women —the victims—when a sexual assault happens. This is called victim blaming.

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Oct 14th 2020
A thread of some #FreeFromHijab artwork I found under the hashtag on Instagram
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Jul 25th 2020
I began last Monday by starting a memoir called "Unveiled". The book has been so engrossing that this week will go down in my personal history as the @YasMohammedxx week!

There was not a single page that didn't deliver a blow or let the tension rest.
To think that so many people worked so hard at breaking her is devastating. To see that they all failed is entirely uplifting. As long as there are fierce women like Yasmine in the world, there's hope for all of us. Here's to her dream of #FreeFromHijab and ...
here's to her courageous book, which everyone wondering about the next chapter of global #Feminism must read:…
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Mar 10th 2020
Je ne suis pas d’accord @ebothorel. À la différence du voile, la minijupe (un habit respectable)n’est pas obligatoire pour des centaines de millions de femmes dans le 🌍 sous peine de subir le fouet. Et la minijupe, elle, est un choix personnel et non l’emblème d’une idéologie ↩️
Par ailleurs il n’y a pas de différence fondamentale entre les variétés de #Hijabs que vous avez cités, car l’idéologie du voilement (qui existe également dans d’autres religions) renvoie toujours à la même notion: l’impureté du corps féminin. C’est cela que le voile veut dire⤵️
Cf. Les travaux de la philosophe Renée Fregosi. Si le voilement existe dans d’autres religions, seul l’islam en a fait un cheval de bataille (et de Troie), une revendication politique, identitaire, une législation coercitive et un argument commercial. Il s’agit là de faits ⤵️
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Sep 28th 2019
THREAD:1 Nadia Romdhane Bechedli, vice-présidente locale de la fédération de parents d’élèves @FCPE_nationale, milite pour le voile islamiste chez les accompagnatrices de sorties scolaires. Elle se présente comme libre, épanouie, elle fait de bons gâteaux et les offre à l’école↩️
@FCPE_nationale 2 Ça c’était le mode Taqiyya. Il a suffi de gratter pour découvrir qui est vraiment cette élue de la @FCPE_nationale: une maman pas très Charlie qui publie sur FB le 15janvier 2015, juste après que des millions de Français aient scandé #JESUISCHARLIE: «touche pas au prophète!"↩️
@FCPE_nationale 3 Cette femme qui affirme accompagner "au maximum" les sorties scolaires de son fils soutient @TariqRamadan, islamiste, violeur et agresseur sexuel présumé, et fait du prosélytisme pro-voilement en diffusant le slogan «touche pas à ma pudeur!» #FreeFromHijab #Islamisme
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Aug 1st 2019
Women are arrested and sentenced to 10yrs+ for posting pictures of themselves without hijab


In 2019, while most can post selfies every day, woman are imprisoned for it

This is an injustice that every human should be enraged about

Please share this hashtag and post the names and faces of these incredibly brave women. I will share videos below.

This is #YasamanAryani

She was sentenced to 16 yrs for this video

For peacefully protesting against being forced to wear hijab in Iran

Help us flood Twitter w her beautiful face and put international pressure

Let these women know we care!

Read 6 tweets
Feb 10th 2019
Questa non è una favola.
"La principessa Sheikha Latifa non era mai uscita da Dubai, il luccicante emirato retto da suo padre. Le richieste di viaggiare o studiare all'estero erano state negate, il passaporto sequestrato, gli amici tenuti lontano da lei"…
L'anno scorso, "a 32 anni, Sheikha Latifa sparì sfuggendo al suo guardiano maschio: Non c'è giustizia in questo paese - disse in un video registrato di nascosto - Specialmente se sei una donna, la tua vita non vale nulla"
"Perciò i suoi amici si preoccuparono quando lessero un messaggio di WhatsApp in cui diceva di aver lasciato Dubai per un posto migliore: Ora sono libera - rispose alle richieste di chiarimenti, aggiungendo l'emoticon di un cuore"
Read 21 tweets
Jan 15th 2019
Of course! @womensmarch names @rallouch, leader at anti-Israel, sexist CAIR, as its🧕🏽steering committee leader.
Qs, Roula.
Do you believe...
✅ ☪️🚺can lead🚹in prayer?
✅ 🧕🏽is a symbol of a 🚺 purity?
✅ ☪️🚺can wed non-Muslim🚹OR 🚺?
✅1☪️🚺=1☪️🚹 as witness?
✅🇮🇱may exist?
1) the rise of hateful Linda Sarsour first, then the draping of American flags as “hijab,” giving of a platform to CAIR’s anti-Semitic Zahra Billoo to speak at the 2017 march and now the naming of a CAIR leader to the steering committee of Women’s March...
2) it’s all emblematic of the unholy alliance between some “liberals” and the Muslim religious right. While feminists reject the purity culture of Christians, they appropriate & celebrate the purity culture of Muslims.
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Jan 2nd 2019
#WhenIwasaMuslim From a young age I was the antithesis of the ideal Muslim woman: stubborn, arguementative, loud and opinionated. When we went to the mosque, I wanted to run around and play with the boys, not sit hidden away in the back room as a 'dignified' lady should
I hated the hijab from the outset, bothered by the heat and extra material that was forced on me at every religious ceremony or ritual. I simply couldn't understand what it was about my body and my behaviour that was inherently wrong that it needed to be so crudely erased.
I was told that men and women were 'equal but different' and that my honour lay in being the queen of the house. I was encouraged to take pride in my ownership of this domain, which was such a crucial building block in the integrity of the broader Muslim society.
Read 21 tweets

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