#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
I'm unlocking this patreon ep w @MaxBlumenthal bc, scarily enough, the same media & libs who call Trump a megalomaniac w/ dementia, want him to oversee regime change in #Venezuela. Speaking of which happy 16 year anniversary of the invasion of🇮🇶soundcloud.com/katie-halper/u…
Granada, Spain, March 21, against imperialist intervention in Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela #ManosFueraDeVenezuela #6AñosPorLaPazYLaVida
It's frightening to see the MainstreamMedia push FAKENEWS & WarPropaganda about🇻🇪just like they did about🇮🇶16years ago. I spoke with🇦🇺's SkyNews about why we need to challenge the false narrative on🇻🇪now-& stop another criminal war for oil.
🔵Number of countries recognising Guaido: 47
🔴Number of countries continuing to recognise Maduro: 146
Only 24% of the 🌐's governments have recognised @jguaido
76% continuing to recognise the elected President @NicolasMaduro

Don’t miss @AbbyMartin’s talk at Sonoma’s Social Justice Week about the corporate media manufacturing consent for Trump’s coup #HandsOffVenezuela projectcensored.org/abby-martin-at…
New flashpoint? Chief of staff of self-proclaimed @jguaido was arrested yesterday. Authorities have claimed he led a "terrorist cell" and that there were weapons in his home, while US officials have vowed "consequences"
Right, let's have the US treasury department tell us about the "original purposes" of banks...
@jguaido wants to organize every inch of Venezuela, whatever that means, before marching to Miraflores Palace. It's called "Operation Freedom". But is he losing steam? Street mobilizations not as big as they might look
By @RedRadioVe
#VIDEO 🎥 Are they going well? This was the concentration of #Guaidó in El Tigre
@SecPompeo has twice mentioned #Cuba & #Nicaragua in the same vile breath as #Venezuela recently. The monster hasn't mentioned #Bolivia yet. But watch his face during this address by Evo Morales (@evoespueblo)
#AmericanMonsters #USEvil
For everyone claiming that the problems #Venezuela faces are all Maduro's fault. Here's an article from an #NGO saying that the sanctions are crippling the country. #HandsOffVenezuelaBolsonaro #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump #USAOUTOFLATINAMERICA #VenezuelaDoesNotBow🇻🇪
"Suffocating the People! #Venezuela has suffered 35 Arbitrary sanctions in 5 Years
A personal message from the #Venezuelan people to #DonaldTrump. And look! It's in both languages! #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump #TrumpHandsOffVenezuela

So after the OAS couldn't push Vzla regime-change, US puppets regrouped in the Lima Group. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. New bloc is called "Prosur", even though it's clearly "pro-North"
Chávez's socialism was so rampant that it broke the space-time continuum and ruined Venezuela in the 1980s (he was only elected in 1998)
By @I30mki
#Russia send flotilla to Patrol #Venezuelan waters 🇷🇺
"Admiral Gorshkov" passes the #Suez Canal
PS. And further. In the near future, one of the warships of the Black Sea Fleet will go on a long voyage to the shores of #Venezuela.

The continued repetition that "all options are on the table" -- is precisely the kind of threat of the use of force that is prohibited in article 2(4) of the UN Charter -- and in articles 3, 19, 20 of the OAS charter #HandsOffVenezuela

The IACHR and SRESCER statements are a disgrace, a classical example of the weaponization of human rights to promote a right-wing coup d'état #HandsOffVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump

The level of hypocrisy of the IACHR and SRESCER shocks the conscience. But conscience and common sense are rare commodities these days #HandsOffVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump

"Naming and shaming" in the context of Venezuela must include naming those responsible for the economic crisis -- primarily the United States, its economic war and illegal sanctions #HandsOffVenezuela

We are all concerned over the lack of electricity and drinking water in Venezuela, but the fingers should be pointed at the United States and all countries imposing an economic and financial blockade on Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela

#Venezuela | The resolution, which was presented by the South American country to expose the negative effects of unilateral coercive measures against nations.
"#Venezuela rejects the illegal and coercive measures imposed by the U.S. on the Venezuelan Economic and Social Development Bank (BANDES)." …
Vanessa Rivera =🤥, she says that her mother left #Venezuela in the 80s, because under Hugo Chávez socialism was ruining the country ..
In the 80s ⁉️ 🤔🤨
Chávez was president in 1999 ..👈🏼😏👇🏼

In pictures! Thus, the people demonstrate for peace and against terrorism conelmazodando.com.ve/196324 #VenezuelaContraElTerrorismo

Movements and progressive parties of Norway mobilized in solidarity with Venezuela conelmazodando.com.ve/196304

@NicolasMaduro: I ask the people of Venezuela: Are we willing, 200 years later, to be a colony of the gringo supremacists?
#23Mar #VenezuelaContraElTerrorismo

John Bolton dice que las sanciones a Venezuela son como cuando “Darth Vader ahorca a alguien”: reconoce su comportamiento imperialista albaciudad.org/2019/03/john-b…
Star Wars? Darth Vader? The lack of seriousness and respect for diplomatic methods on the part of US spokespersons is unusual. Does this caricature of politics represent the values of the American people? #HandsOffVenezuela
Pledging more economic war on🇻🇪a Trump official likens the🇺🇸to the evil Empire of StarWars & his admin to Darth Vader:“It’s sort of like in Star Wars when Darth Vader strangles someone, that’s what we are doing to the regime economically”

An excellent interview with @DerbyChrisW, one of the few Western lawmakers who’s stood up forcefully against the US coup in Venezuela. Listen to more Conversations with Slava (including mine) at m.soundcloud.com/conversationsw…
"China did not issue a visa to Ricardo Hausmann, considered the Venezuelan representative by Juan Guaido, the self-declared interim president."
There is evidence that the failure of Venezuela's electricity grid last week was sabotage.
Maduro said as much but US media treated him like a 'conspiracy theorist.'
A Trump administration official has bragged that US sanctions on Venezuela are “like in Star Wars when Darth Vader constricts somebody’s throat.” thegrayzone.com/2019/03/23/tru…
What's new in Venezuela? New US sanctions and a high-ranking opposition figure accused of terrorist activities.
Find out more: venezuelanalysis.com/news/14398

By @venanalysis
"Interim president"-->"National Assembly President"-->"Opposition leader"--> "Venezuelan"-->"Engineer". Self-proclaimed @jguaido is having a tough time holding on to his titles. Expect an angry @StateDept presser soon
#Macron's rabid attack dogs bum-rush peacefully protesting #GiletsJaunes in #Lyon. If this were 🇻🇪,🇮🇷,or🇷🇺we would be inundated with this footage ad nauseam. But it's🇫🇷so we won't hear a peep about this from #MSM. #YellowVests #ActeXIX
Just a reminder that Marco Rubio’s parents were expats who moved to the U.S. from Cuba, 2.5 years before Castro, in May of 1956—not 1959. Imagine building your entire political career on top of this mountain of lies.
Joe Conason:It’s easy to imagine little Marco growing up & saying to Mommy“What was it like under Castro in🇨🇺?Why did we leave?”& Mommy probably saying to him: Well, we weren’t really there then, son.(disclaimer: Chris Matthews+MSNBC suck)
Conscious and mobilized people, that is the Bolivarian key to victory. Here Nobody Surrenders!
#NOTICIA| Technical Mission of the UN High Commissioner for HUMAN RIGHTS catalogs a successful visit to Venezuela #VenezuelaContraElTerrorismo #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
HUGE pro=Maduro, Chavanista march in Caracus, Venezuela today. The American coup to overthrow the government of Venezuela is dead on arrival. #Venezuela #cdnpoli #politics
Jorge Ramos was in a wealthy eastern Caracas district, roughly 7 km away,when he filmed a clip claiming to be"near"/"minutes from"🇻🇪's presidential palace
I went to that district,to film it & show how he lied & is producing sensationalism
Let the world know, in Venezuela there is a people that will never surrender. We are a free people and we will respect this land. Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!
BREAKING: ‘Foreign mercenaries’: Maduro accuses ‘the devil’s puppet’ Guaido of plotting his assassination — RT World News rt.com/news/454604-ve… … #Venezuela #cdnpoli #politics
By @TuPlatanoVE
Aggressiveness, stress, guns.
See here the analysis of the non-verbal language of the self-proclaimed #Guaidó
Maduro leads march against 'terrorism' in Caracas - the more🇺🇸threatens Maduro, the stronger his support gets. That's a good thing.🇺🇸intervention would destroy the country & the people like in Iraq, Libya & Syria #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
Over $30 Bln Stolen From Venezuela 'at Trump's Request' - Cabinet Minister:
#America #Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela #democracy
Over $30 billion has been stolen in the past couple of months”, he was cited as saying by the state channel VTV. sputniknews.com/latam/20190324…
Maduro Exposes Fresh
'Imperialist Plot' 👈
to Kill Him by 'Devil's Puppet' Guaido
#Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela
"We have evidence; they could not and cannot [succeed] because we are protected by God," Maduro added. sputniknews.com/latam/20190324…
By @rogerwaters
We were right about #RUSSIAGATE we’re right about VENEZUELA.
Watch full video: bit.ly/rwchile #ElDerechoDeVivirEnPaz
"La Alpargata Solidaria" is an initiative where organized communities in Caracas work directly with campesinos to access food at fair prices. It's held 1/month in the recovered spaces of Tiuna El Fuerte. Collective work & healthy produce!

Reuters reporting the arrival of two Russian Air Force planes in Venezuela, one carrying material, the other 100 troops
.@WhiteHouse official compares sanctions to Darth Vader "choking" victims. Some questions come to mind. Does he not a) realize he's assuming the US is the "empire" and b) know what happens to the empire in the end?
(source: univision.com/univision-news… …)

Concert in Santiago, Chile, called "the right to live in peace", against imperialist meddling in Latin America, is being live streamed by @teleSURtv
“Faced with an economic war and blockade, our response is to create, produce and weave solidarity among us”
Read about feminist movements "weaving" unity and advancing their struggle in Venezuela: venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14399

"While the media demonized “collectives” portraying govt supporters & grassroots orgs as violent & opposition as peaceful, pro-govt youth organized cultural events to counter the violence...."
We meet with the #ONU technical mission that is in the country. @mbachelet asked for JUSTICE for the victims murdered by the 🇻🇪opposition
Orlando Figuera. Burned alive
Héctor Anuel. Lynched with a mortar & burned
Danny Subero. Lynched & murdered with a fire gun

The EU vote on the Human Rights Council resolution condemning unilateral coercive measures is a disgrace. The EU is complicit in the deaths in Venezuela that are demonstrably directly related to the sanctions #HandsOffVenezuela

The illegality of unilateral coercive measures needs to be pronounced by the International Court of Justice. Let the General Assembly elevate the question to the ICJ for an advisory opinion #HandsOffVenezuela

#Trump, #Bolton and #Pompeo are not #America -- let us have a poll to see how many Americans #HandsOffVenezuela #Venezuela

Noam Chomsky, Danny Glover, Jeffrey Sachs, Mark Weisbrot -- and millions of other Americans are ashamed of the betrayal of American values by our current "leaders" #HandsOffVenezuela

There are good reasons for German Parliamentarian Wolfgang Kubicki, to call for US Ambassador Richard Grenell to be declared persona non grata. The #US occupation did end decades ago #HandsOffVenezuela

Extreme-right para-militaries in Central and South America have a long history of subversion, murdering indigenous and social leaders-- we should take Venezuelan allegations seriously #HandsOffVenezuela

The mainstream media owes the public a thorough investigation into the deaths directly attributable to the sanctions and financial blockades #HandsOffVenezuela

Economic war against a country to impose regime change violates both the UN and OAS Charters, hitherto with impunity #HandsOffVenezuela

As institutional religion corrupted Christianity and turned it into the church of the rich, the "human rights industry" instrumentalized human rights into weapons, not entitlements #HandsOffVenezuela

By far the largest popular housing program in history! No other government did that. Let alone the Macri, Piñera, Bolsonaro and company. If there was an oligarchic restoration, its occupants would be thrown into the street, as it is in Spain today, with evictions.

This humorous vignette that they sent us, says more than a thousand words. They could not, could not! #HandsOffVenezuela

The writer, anthropologist and researcher @josenegronv interviewed me for the @SputnikMundo on the complacency of the Twitter company as a mechanism for the spread of hate in Venezuela ... really thank you for taking me into account
[PHOTOS] This free concert is held in Santiago de Chile, "for the right to live in peace". Via @larisscostas 💫

Beautiful march that ratifies the spirit of struggle of the🇻🇪who doesn’t kneel before the terrorist aggressions of the 🇺🇸empire. They haven’t been able, nor will they be able to with us. We are victorious & alert to face new battles...!
The words of Jorge Primera (son of the singer Alí Primera) in the framework of the Concert for the Right to Live in Peace in Chile
#Venezuela is facing "the strongest imperialist aggressions that the Republic has ever survived in 200 years," stated #Maduro to the Chavista people that attended the Mobilization for Peace outside of the Miraflores Palace in #Caracas.
#Venezuela | The government announced the dismantling of a series of violent operations that were intended to be carried out in the country by mercenaries and assassins who entered the Venezuelan territory within the last few weeks.
Artists in Chile have organised a large concert today against US intervention in Venezuela.
The event is called "The Right To Live In Peace", which is from a song by revolutionary Chilean singer Victor Jara.

The musicians are pointing out that the US is using the same tactics in Venezuela as they did in Chile, before the coup against Allende.
watch the concert live here: bit.ly/2Ol5ofO

More from the peace concert in Santiago, Chile. Rejecting war and US intervention in Venezuela.
watch the concert live here:

Approximately 30, 000 have attended the peace concert today, organised by the youth wing of Chile's Communist Party. In rejection of US attacks against Venezuela.
watch the concert live here: bit.ly/2Ol5ofO

Argentinians turned out in large numbers today for the 'Day of Memory'.
In commemoration of the victims of the US-backed military dictatorship.
via @abuelasdifusion

Mar 22
@NTN24ve @Iraqesque @JoeRogan Former-#UN Expert: #Venezuela #regime Change is a 'LOOTING CAMPAIGN' by The #USA
By @SoniaKatiMota
THREAD👇Were the elections in🇻🇪fair?
Joseph Farrell,an Election Monitor in🇻🇪as well as a member of the Board of the🇬🇧Centre for Investigative Journalism & an associate of #WikiLeaks
ALSO‼️Explained: How Voting Works in #Venezuela👇🤓
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter