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May 2nd 2023
On the 2nd of May, JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) from #Serbia supported by local Serb militants tried to deal the final blow to the #Bosnian defenders, occupy Sarajevo and the force legal government to surrender. Things played out a little differently than they thought… ImageImageImageImage
Local Sarajevo defenders, mostly locals and kids wearing tennis shoes and sneakers, successfully repel attacks outside of the Presidency building. In the adjacent area, infiltrated JNA elite forces from #Serbia are defeated and taken as hostages in a nearby skyscraper. Image
Attempts by special units of the then Yugoslav Serbian army to occupy the BiH Presidency building culminated in Skenderija, where they were stopped by the MUP Special Unit and the Territorial Defense of BiH, made up of Sarajevo citizens. 🇧🇦 ImageImageImage
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May 11th 2022
I dont know if every single country has this shape of human, like Finland? #Denmark looks like a gnome who lost his shoe, and a bat. Image
#UK and #Ireland, like a little owl and mongoose working in burger place Image
#Finland as we have pictured the shape here Image
Read 49 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
In September of 1995. Rade Rogic, a Serb soldier was ritually killed with a knife by #mujahideen Al Harbi Teufik (Tawfik), served with the 5th corps of the Muslim #Bosnia Army, 505th #Buzim brigade. This was not only the murder of this notorious murderer and late #ISIS member. ⤵️
Al Harbi Teufik came in 1992. to serve in Muslim #Bosnia Army as a jihadi warrior with Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 citizenship. In the verdict of the Court of BiH 🇧🇦 in the Alic case, it was confirmed that he also killed Basic Branko, Devetak Mirko, Stambolija Petar, and Borosina Pero.⤵️
After the war in Bosnia, he moved back to Saudi Arabia without prosecution, but it was not the end of his military and jihadi journey since 2013. he became one of the highly ranked #ISIS officials in #Syria with new name Sultan Al Safri al Harbi nicknamed “Abu Nassar Al-Harbi”⤵️
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May 1st 2021
On the 2nd of May in 1992, JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) from #Serbia supported by local #Serbian militants tried to deal the final blow to the #Bosnian defenders, occupy #Sarajevo and force legal government to surrender.

It was a beautiful sunny day...

2 MAY 1992
That morning was calm & peaceful, just the day before people were having May the 1st, Labor Day, celebrations. Nobody was expecting to witness the start of the Siege, that would last almost next four years, 1,425 days

It started in the afternoon of 2 May 1992.

2 MAY 1992
Serb forces established a total blockade of the city. They blocked the major access roads, cutting supplies of food and medicine. The Sarajevo public transportation network was hit at its main locations and throughout the city.

📷 Danilo Krstanović Image
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Nov 4th 2020
Vienna attacker was born and raised in #Vienna
He also had "Albanian roots" (parents from North Macedonia)

The gunman shot dead in the Vienna attacks was also one of 90 Austrian Islamists who wanted to travel to #Syria

Why is it relevant?…
The #Balkans play an important role for #ISIS, which sees them as a buffer and a future battleground. The region already has established networks that can be used to transfer people and to raise support for ISIS.
ISIS has popped up in all corners of the globe, not being contained in the territory it physically controls in Iraq and Syria. Its goal is to create a Caliphate, an Islamic state which holds religious authority over the ENTIRE global Islamic community.
Read 50 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
First #Jihadi #mujahideen warriors in #Bosnia 🇧🇦 began arriving in 1992. Firstly as a humanitarian workers, and later to become the martyrs on Allah´s road in #Bosnia. Their first camp was in village of #Mehurici and their 1st leader was Abu Abdel Aziz aka #Barbaros. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The main financier of these warriors was Mohammed al-Fatih Hassaneyn from #Sudan 🇸🇩 who with his brother Sukarno founded #TWRA an NGO in #Vienna #Austria 🇦🇹 from where he transferred money and #Jihadi warriors to #Bosnia 🇧🇦.
In 1970´s Hassaneyn was Sudanese student in #Belgrade dentistry college where he used his free time to travel
through #Yugoslavia to visit his fellow Muslims. That´s how he met another student Alija Izetbegovic in #Sarajevo and new friendship started.
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May 1st 2020
On the 2nd of May, JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) from #Serbia supported by local #Serbian militants tried to deal the final blow to the #Bosnian defenders, occupy Sarajevo and force legal government to surrender.

This is how some events unfolded.


2 MAY 1992
Shelling of #Sarajevo began at 3 a.m., and lasted until 5 a.m. It was the most intense shelling seen until then.
#SarajevoUnderSiege 1/24
Photo©️Hidajet Delic
2 MAY 1992
Mortar and artillery attacks from the surrounding hills start again later in the morning. Government buildings, residential areas, homes, companies and shops were reported ablaze.
#SarajevoUnderSiege 2/24
Photo©️Hidajet Delic
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Dec 26th 2019
Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
Read 359 tweets
Nov 10th 2017
1/ #German magazine .@DerSPIEGEL reports rising number of #xrw foreign fighters (2,500 now) joining Asow militia in #Ukraine to fight agst #Russia in current print issue. Image
@DerSPIEGEL 2/ It is also reported Asow militia actively recruited openly during largest German #xrw concert in #Themar in July 2017. This shows how much underestimated the threat of #xrw foreign fighters compared to #jihadists is. Imagine outcry if #ISIS would openly recruit at a concert.
@DerSPIEGEL 3/ And the issue is not new. German and other European #neonazis have for example fought in HOS militia in #Bosnian civil war. See this remarkable article featuring interviews with some of them.
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