-Take a test that shows you're not going to use it to kill someone out of stupidity/insanity/incompetence.
-Wait in a boring line.
Maybe with murder weapons we could start with the latter and work our way to the former?
1/ Cars have practical uses. Like:
-transporting you and your loved ones.
-transporting you and your loved ones' stuff, things, and belongings.
Driving 100 miles an hour is not necessary to accomplish this
-Protecting your rural home/livestock from criminal/predatory animal threats. perhaps you live far away from police or animal control. Cool. Got it.
Magazines that hold 100 Bullets are not necessary to accomplish this.
- Lets have background checks for synth purchases
- Maybe nobody really needs a synth heavier than their own body no matter how fun it is.

- Ban sale of automatic firearms and high capacity magazines to civilians.
- Close the gun show loophole
- Perform stricter background checks.
You probably know more about guns than me... does that make sense?