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Aug 5th 2019, 21 tweets, 9 min read Read on Twitter
Rajya Sabha Chairman waives rules of advance notice for speaking on the issue of J&K Reservation Bill. He says the bill and the situation in Kashmir will be discussed together.

Amit Shah: "I am ready to discuss the situation in Kashmir and answer questions of every member that are raised."

.@derekobrienmp raised point of order.

He objects to bill being introduced and proposed for passing without circulating it. No amendments were possible since there was a sudden rush.

Chairman clarifies that members can give amendments till 12.30 today.
mentions Amit Shah is now giving a statement.

mentions (Amit Shah said there is a revised list of business in Rajya Sabha today. Can't find it on the website yet. Unclear which 4 bills he's referring to.)
mentions Amit Shah just said 370 will not be applicable in J&K through a Government notification!

mentions (Wait what the heck is going on?! His statement is super unclear because of the background screaming. Need some more clarity on how this is being done!)

mentions J&K Reservation Bill being introduced now amidst utter chaos in Rajya Sabha.

mentions Chairman in Rajya Sabha is now asking people if anyone wants to speak on the Reservation bill.

(Earlier he said that all issues might be discussed together, including situation in J&K)
mentions Ghulam Nabi Azad is now speaking in #RajyaSabha

mentions (There is so much confusion that even the Rajya Sabha TV ticker can't make up it's mind about what is being discussed. So it just reads "Budget Session")

mentions Amit Shah: "Ghulam Nabi Azad said that 370 is historic. But due to this provision, people of J&K are living in poverty. They don't get reservation, they are riddled with corruption. Politicians have stole from them."

mentions Amit Shah: "It's incorrect that 370 has connected J&K with incorrect. The King was the one who signed a treaty to do that, 370 came later."

Amit Shah: "There should not be even a second's delay to remove 370."

Chairman has now initiated debate on all Kashmir related issues.
Chairman: "4 Hours have been given to discuss all 4 bills. No lunchbreak today."

(Seems like the intention is to bulldoze this today itself. Reminder: The reorganization bill was NOT circulated. Only 30 more minutes left to give amendments.)

Bhupendra Yadav (BJP): "Business advisory committee has given 2 hours to discuss the reservation bill. If opposition is opposing this, it's for political reasons."

(Ok this is just insidious. There is a frikkin bill in RS right now which was not even circulated!)
(Bhupendra Yadav is now justifying not circulating the bill by saying that this is being done for 'desh hit' and gave examples of how previous governments have done similar things for 'desh hit' as well.)
Amit Shah reads out Article 373 which allows scrapping of 370 by president's order.

"The Constituent assembly doesn't exist. There is president's rule in the state so all the powers of the assembly of J&K are now with the Parliament, so we can do this."

(Correction, Shah was talking about 370(3) not 373.)
Prasanna Acharya (BJD): "In true sense, today is the day when J&K has become an integral part of India."

(Seems like these resolutions and bills are going to sail through Rajya Sabha today. Multiple regional parties supporting it.)
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