As an EOD (Bonn) technician the United States government trained me extensively on our history of combating explosive threats at home and abroad. In the heat of this debate I’d like to add some perspective on the subject from my perspective.
we banned these types of guns for 10 years (94-04).
During that time we had: Oklahoma City, Olympic park, Eric Rudolph, and 9/11. Every major study (federal, independent and interest groups) showed little to no change in gun violence during that time.
We now have about 600 million guns in circulation. Innovation makes its cheap and easy to build the parts they’d ban in your garage with tools from Home Depot
The internet has brought information on how to build bombs and guns to our hands
-NFA shouldn’t be so expensive.
-NFA process shouldn’t take 9<mos
-Supressors shouldn’t be NFA
-entire household should be on one application.
-continue manufacturing and purchasing of semi auto/mags
-bam/restrict purchase and manufacturing of semi auto and high capacity mags
-registry of who owns these guns
-extensive background check of owners
**-reduce/eliminate use of these weapons to kill innocent people