When Paul says
where R the boys,
flood gates seem 2 appear.
And, they are open wide.
u under the 🔬,
LGBTQ alumni at USC
allege men’s doctor
sexually abused them.
Sexual battery √
Harassment √
during appts√
Nasty fuqq
Dr. Dennis Kelly
made demeaning remarks
2 defendants
“to satisfy his own prurient sexual desires.”
rectal exams.
Annenberg School 4 Communication + Journalism
launched 1st summer reporting internship program
as it aims 2 teach, train + inspire nxt gen of ethical, intellectually rigorous journalists.
Sasha Urban
1 of 6 chosen
out of 40.
Dr. Dennis Kelly.
Once exam rm dr
closed behind them,
say 48 frmr patients
who r gay or bi,
Kelly subjected them 2 sexual abuse,
such as fondling their genitals
or making them kneel naked
on exam table 4 rectal probes.

Messing w sexuality.
Wonder if it has any effect on a guy?
What if OH, USA, MI, PA doctors
were strategically placed?
The men
all USC students at time
were as young as 18,
often struggling 2 accept
their sexuality or
uncomfortable discussing
their sex lives.
Nasty USC
got charged
w 16 Sexual Assaults
Ichhhh. It's ALL RED.
And, Paul hates that 🐎👠shitbag
w a last name ALLWRONG.
Tyndell pleads innocent/not guilty.
*Gurl in silky bathrobe *fluster.
"At his home in Santa Monica a short walk from the beach, Kelly, wearing a pinstripe bathrobe, declined to be interviewed. “This is all very traumatic to me,” he told a reporter before asking him to leave."
USC gave dean
$875,000 severance
+ let him resign quietly.
“The university is not just a party in a lawsuit. The university is an educational community that owes something to all of its members.”
Sasha Urban
a well-deserved 👏
4 fine rptng.
He likes his receipts,
as well.
TY Sasha.
U have bright future.
Keep digging!!!
same law firm
Fraser Watson & Croutch
who is defending Dr. Kelly.
Neither USC nor law firm
responded 2 questions as 2 whether
USC paying 4 Kelly’s defense.
CA law requires employers 2 pay 4
legal defense of employees
sued 4 carrying out their duties."
Beacon Project
show 17 years ago,
ANOTHER major CA university,
severed ties w Kelly thru a
confidential settlement."
during 2004?
Mark Yudof
Janet Napolitano.
Talk about corruption
+ sweeping under rug.
Does *fancy acctng wrk
w UC.
*Chair of Natl Gov Assoc
From Huckabee
Tim Pawlenty
"*but NGA itself is nonpartisan"
UCLA + Kelly 2 secrecy:
Neither party could make
“any derogatory or disparaging statements
2 any other person
or 3rd parties
about each other”
could not tell future employers
anything about Kelly
except 2 confirm his
title, pay, dates of employ at UCLA"
Kelly, who had already been wrkng at USC
on hrly basis 4 5 yrs,
was hired on staff there.
Mo later,
landed pt job at Cal State Northridge.
While also funded by state of CA,
Cal State Northridge
prt of an ed system
sep from UC system.
Kelly has treated young men
at 3 of CA’s lrgst unis,
which currently have
combined student pop
of > 130,000.
Taken as a whole,
the men’s allegations describe
harrowing + consistent pattern
of abuse by Kelly.
USC negligent.
w interrogation N2
young man’s sexual history.
Using crude terms such as
“dick,” “pussy,” + “asshole,”
Kelly asked patient ?s
w no medical purpose:
Where did they have sex?
Did they watch porn?
What dating apps did they use?
What race were their partners?
were often followed by
instruction 2 undress.
Kelly did not turn around
or leave room
as men took off their clothes,
they said,
and he almost never told patients
Y they needed exam
he was about to give,
or that they could decline it."
"As young men waited
on examination table
on their hands + knees,
facing wall,
Kelly would examine them,
usually in complete silence.
He would insert his fingers
or device N2 their rectums
almost always w/out warning
+ keep it inside them
4 up 2 several minutes."
he was testing them 4 prostate health,
but American Urological Association
does not recommend
routine prostate cancer screening
4 men under 40,
+ most of Kelly’s patients
were students
in their twenties or late teens."📌
he fell N2 emotional tailspin
lasting > 2 yrs,
in which he gained 70 pounds
+ his grades plunged.
5 men, in crt docs say
they cried during or after their exam,
+ at least 13 said
they avoided health cntr after seeing Kelly.
administering rectal probe
+ leaning down 2 ask
how often his partners came inside him.
“And after that, it’s a blackout.
I don’t even remember leaving his office;
I don’t remember how I got home.
I was just shocked by
how creepy it was,
whole situation.”
"Vividly remembers
what happened
in exam room.
Kelly said he needed 2
check student’s prostate health,
even though student said
he had no symptoms.
Kelly told John Doe 10
2 pull down his pants + underwear
+ get on his hands + knees[?]
on top of exam table.
Kelly did not turn around
or leave room
while man undressed.
Kelly inserted finger N2 his rectum
+ placed pressure on his prostate
until his penis released fluid,
which Kelly collected onto
“some sort of a slide.”
Kelly said fluid would B
sent 2 lab 4 “testing."
cont 2 see Kelly
“bc he was only Dr.
that specialized in men’s health”
“he always made me feel
really uncomfortable,
and I always felt like
he was creepy.”
When he
read about
Larry Nassar victims
who wrkd MSU student health center,
he decided to take action.
Like the Catholic Archdiocese,
USC does not keep records
'from that far back',
1999|2000 ish.
as is the case.
1st-yr student saw Kelly
4 STD + HIV screening.
Kelly started asking ?s
“about my sex life,
which I understood bc,
u know,
sexual health doctor.”
But Kelly kept pressing 4 details.
“It was just very uncomfortable.”
Kelly was “rude entire time.”
Kelly takes him
N2 exam rm.
Student said
he has since had other
STD screenings +
Kelly “did things other Drs haven’t,”
things that were “intrusive.”
“I don’t really want 2 go N2 detail.”
Mos later, he told
Kelby Accardi-Harrison,
dir USC’s LGBT Resource Cntr
4 > yr,
student said,
he did not receive
any communication at all
from the university
about his complaint.
receives email from uni’s
Office of Conduct, Accountability, + Professionalism.
Msg thnkd him 4 his complaint
+ directed him 2 webpage
w counseling + support services.
That pg mentions
Tyndall, OBGYN
abuse of 100s of patients,
but even now
does not mention Kelly.
while away on spring break,
student recv'd voicemail from
LAPD sex crimes detective,
Ninette Toosbuy,
who is now Sr investigator
4 USC’s accountability office.
In that VM,
Toosbuy identifies as investigator
+ asks student 2 contact her.
If u can,
pls share + care.
@ninaandtito @MsMariaT @SaysDana @LuluLemew @Pinche_Pi @Agenthades1 @ImmaculateLoo
TY. <3
I get protective over the guys.
Dark secrets, never good.