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Jun 20th 2023
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Night strikes of the RF Armed Forces on objects in Zaporozhye

Tonight, the Russian Armed Forces launched blows with Geran-2 kamikaze drones on targets in the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime. Most explosions took place in Zaporozhye. Image
One of the goals was the territory of the Zaporozhye titanium and magnesium plant. On satellite images, the object looks abandoned and is quite suitable for the placement of equipment or other military equipment.
Also, kamikaze drones flew over the Zaporozhognepor plant, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces ammunition depot was supposedly located. Another object hit was the Two Moons Hotel. According to preliminary data, the personnel of the enemy were stationed there.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
💥In the Russian cruise and ballistic missiles that attack #Ukraine every day, there are electronic parts produced in the USA, Switzerland, Japan and Germany.
Despite the sanctions, #Russia continues to purchase them through third countries and fake companies.
The majority of the foreign electronic components used by Russia for the production of missiles is produced in the USA - 81%, Switzerland - 8%, Germany - 3.5% and Japan - 3.5%.
In particular, components from such companies as STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Vicor (USA), XILINX (USA), Intel Corporation (USA), Texas Instruments (USA), ZILOG (USA), Maxim Integrated (USA) and Cypress Semiconductor (USA) are used.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
🧵It appears that as of now we have no consensus in @NATO to bring #Ukraine into the alliance, with the conversation having shifted to debating a formula that would provide assurances and support to Ukraine short of membership. These half measures will help, but not enough. 1/8
I won’t go into those proposals, as in my view none offers a clear path forward that Ukraine needs to rebuild after the war. Moscow banks that that the West will not stand up for what it preaches, and that it will push #Ukraine to a settlement that will cede UKR territory. 2/8
We continue to re-debate why #Russia invaded #Ukraine instead of focusing on how to defeat the invasion. And most of all, while govt documents and analytical pieces talk of a new era of great power competition, I have yet to see a clear articulation of what victory look like.3/8
Read 8 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
Welcome to the daily war thread for Tuesday 20 June 2023.
Can you believe it's Day 482 of #Russia's full invasion?
Each day a new 🧵 with all the important news in one place, updated live.

Already a busy day for #Ukraine's air defenders as #Russia launched drone attacks..
First a quick reminder that the link below is the start of yesterday's thread in case you wish to scroll through at your leisure to catch up on what you missed.

Also don't forget DMs open for tip-offs and stories % donations of coffee welcome too, see bio
Two days ago an enormous cargo plane arrived in #Russia from #Iran.

So no surprise that recent nights of 3-6 drones suddenly became this:

32 Iranian attack drones shot down in the last 24 hours by #Ukraine. But it two managed to get through defences.

#RussiaIsATerroristState Image
Read 10 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
#Ukraine June 18, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
#WarInUkraine D+481 (19/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage

The rest of the front, off the offensive, is frozen in a war of positions where 🇷🇺 apply ISIS methods!

Leo court👇
Read 18 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
This is what an explosion of a "tiny" PFM-1 mine looks like, of which the Russians have dropped hundreds of thousands on Ukrainian forests and fields

In the comments photo

#Ukraine #UkraineWillWin #ukrainian #Russia #RussiaIsLosing #RussiaIsCollapsing
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Jun 19th 2023
Future of Russian Oil: 5 Key Trends

#Russia's oil industry transitions from chaos to relative stability in 2023, with India emerging as the largest seaborne buyer. Let's explore the industry's outlook for the next 2-3 years, from refinery upgrades to a shadow tanker fleet.👇 Image
Russia's refinery upgrades increase gasoline production

Despite overall throughputs not reaching pre-sanction levels, there's a hidden growth story. Jan-April 2023 saw record-high monthly #gasoline production. Dec 2022-Feb 2023 saw the highest-ever production rate of 124 kt/day.
Operational setbacks for refinery upgrades

Nizhny Novgorod refinery faces setbacks due to fire. Moscow, Yaroslavl, Novoshakhtinsk refineries to halt fuel #oil output by 2025-2026, reducing production by 150 kbd. 🇷🇺-🇺🇦 conflict hinders Kirishi refinery's modernization.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
Welcome to another week of daily threads on Europe's war. Updated throughout the day (and night) every single day.

It's Day 481 of #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

To review Sunday's thread, click here.
I tempted fate by saying I was hoping for sleep. Soon enough alarms were sounding in the south of #Ukraine.

Suspected cruise missiles launched from #Russia's Black Sea Fleet, and #Odesa has reported explosions. Hopefully it's just air defence.

Good news is just coming in from #Odesa (RU: #Odessa) where it seems to be quiet now.

There were reported to be three targets - all three may have been shot down. I'm not hearing of damage yet.
Read 50 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
🚨 EXCL: The UK Govt are co-funding technical assistance & continued development of Ukraine's controversial Diia app through the Eurasia Foundation & its 'Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services' (TAPAS). FCDO - Information Rights O...
TAPAS or 'Transparency & Accountability in Public Administration & Services', is a seven-year, $43 million 'anti-corruption activity' in #Ukraine funded by USAID & UK Aid (2016-2024).…
Diia (Дія) meaning 'action' or Держава і Я (State & Me) was first presented in 2019 & officially launched in early 2020.

Most of its now 130 e-gov services were developed from UK & USAID through the Eurasia Foundation who are also recipients of funding from George Soros' OSF. Eurasia Foundation funding ...
Read 10 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
🚨#BREAKING Russland hat im ganzen Land massive Razzien durchgeführt.

#RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaIsLosing #Russia #Russian #Ukraine️
Laut Quellen gegen ausländische Arbeitsmigranten.
Die Gründe oder Anklagepunkte für die Organisation einer solchen Aktion sind nicht bekannt.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
Judging from various reports, the #ukrainecounteroffensive seems to be a complete disaster, even though this is officially denied by the Western side.

But this analysis by Col. Richard Kemp of the #British military shows no expectations of success.

Col. Kemp uses cautious language, but it is easy to read between the lines. Being a retired Western Colonel, you don't expect him to come out and say openly that #Ukraine️ is going to lose. But that is exactly what he is saying.

Let me explain why the conclusion is clear.

His main points:

1. Surprise is essential for success.

But of course, there is no surprise here. The whole world has been expecting this operation for months. There are no unexpected lines of attack like #Incheon in the #KoreanWar in 1950.

Read 11 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
#BREAKING Russia has launched massive raids on foreign migrant workers across the country. The grounds or charges for organizing such an action are not known.

#RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaIsLosing #Russia #Russian #Ukraine️
Read 6 tweets
Jun 18th 2023

Interesting observation from the war in #Ukraine️:

#Russia may be experiencing substantial supply issues of Kontakt-1 basic explosive reactive armour (ERA).

ERA is a vital component of Russian armour protection and was generally believed to be readily available. Image
Several telegram channels are looking for Russians who can produce the metal containers for Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armour (ERA) or spare some materials for them.

They post the machine drawings and of these containers, and recruiting machine shops who could produce them. ImageImage
Some quotes from Russian channels:
"the tankers are unable to get any [Kontakt-1]".

Apparently from the Donetsk area: "[we] need 3000 pieces of remote sensing elements [ERA] plus monthly expense in battles is 1000-1200 pieces"
Read 7 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
#Ukraine June 18, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
#WarInUkraine D+480 (18/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage

Lots of indecisive fighting and unproductive diplomacy

2 🇺🇦 BM-27 Uragan 220-mm MLRS delivering their birds and getting away fast (avoid counter-battery)
Read 17 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
Day 480 of the war. #Russia defending stubbornly with reinforced lines in the areas of #Ukraine they stole.

But I think the real push, with most forces, is yet to come. Here's another daily thread. There's been one every day, but I do need support pls!
Yesterday's thread can be found on the link below, click and scroll if you missed anything.

Loads of nice photos and videos in Saturday's thread and how there seems to have been a #Russia-#Africa plot to deny missile strikes, but Russia's MoD messed up!

Who doesn't like a bit of alliteration? And here are some sweet Sunday sounds to start your day.

Less than 20km north of #Henichesk in #Kherson region there was a big explosion, then many, many more in the village of #Rykove as #Russia's weapon/ammo store there went up in smoke!
Read 53 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
statements by #Putin
- All the problems in #Ukraine began after the bloody coup d'etat in 2014, supported by Western sponsors;

- The West actually withdrew from the peace process in Ukraine, after which the #Russian Federation was forced to recognize the DPR and LPR;🔽
- The #Russian Federation supported the people in the #Donbass after the coup d'état in #Ukraine and for a long time sought to resolve the situation peacefully;
- It was #Kyiv that unleashed the war in Ukraine in 2014, Russia had the right under the UN Charter to help Donbass;
- The food crisis in the world is caused not by a special operation, but by the actions of the West;

- #Russia does not believe that the supply of #Ukrainian grain to world markets solves the problem of hunger;🔽
Read 5 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
#Putin showed a draft peace treaty with #Ukraine, approved by representatives of #Kyiv: #Russia has never refused to negotiate. A whole series of talks between Russia and Ukraine took place in #Turkey to develop confidence-building measures and prepare the text of the treaty 🔽
This draft treaty was initialed by the head of the negotiating group from #Kyiv. Here it is. It is called the "Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees of #Ukraine." 18 articles. Moreover, there is also an application for it. 🔽
It concerns the armed forces and other things. Everything is spelled out down to units of military equipment and up to the personnel of the armed forces. Here is the document. And it was initialed by the #Kyiv delegation. 🔽|
Read 5 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
The Ukrainians have just published a video ( I won't publish it ) of positions previously held by the Russians on which you can see instruments such as a hammer and a trunk with which the Russians murdered deserters.

#Russia #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussianArmy #ukraine #ukrainian Image
The footage shows the bodies of the deserters, and the dug-out spot in the ground where they were to be buried. The footage is extremely drastic - he does not want to publish it.
Oh well... I forgot about #RussiaIsATerroristState
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Jun 17th 2023
1/ Holy Fuck! It’s not only the Soviet Union flag, it’s also the Russian Imperial flag. And you thought it’s due to NATO expansions.

Russia and Zar Putin are showing their full imperial picture in St. Petersburg.

#NAFO #Austria #Russia #Ukraibe #Україна #Österreich #USA

Do…… Image
2/ Here is some context. That’s the ultra far right bei Nazis.… Image
3/ That is the symbol of the Russia Imperial movement. The Russian Neo Nazi scene and it is also a paramilitary scene.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
Irkutsk, Russia - bastion of Christian traditional values, is still holding strong. Btw. why she is naked? is under sanction?? 🤣

#Ukraine #UkraineWillWin #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaIsLosing #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianArmy #russia
I hope you do not feel as disgusted as I did after watching this video 😂
I have so many questions and so few answers - She has such roots on her head after dyeing it blonde? or is it a tinfoil hat? 😂
Read 4 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
Durante la visita della delegazione Africana che domani sarà in 🇷🇺 per cercare di mediare una pace fra #Russia ed #Ucraina, la prima ha lanciato un attacco contro #Kyiv.
6 Kinzhal e 6 missili cruise Kalibr sono stati riportati abbattuti (100%), oltre a 2 droni ricognitori. Image
Foto riportate essere delle intercettazioni dei vari missili 🇷🇺 abbattuti oggi nei pressi di Kyiv. Una delle cose più divertenti della vicenda è vedere gli account pro-🇷🇺 criticare quello che sarebbero stati lanciati dai PATRIOT 🇺🇦 in preda al panico mentre tentavano di 1/2 ImageImageImage
Intercettare i missili 🇷🇺. Perché è divertente? Perché il MoD 🇷🇺 ha dichiarato di aver già distrutto sostanzialmente tutta la batteria (6 lanciatori + radar). Come fa la batteria Patriot a sparare nonostante sia stata distrutta? Mistero. 2/2
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Jun 16th 2023
#Putin vs #Patrushev

A few days ago, there were some rather momentous events on which we took our time shedding light, allowing the consequences to materialise. A few days ago, #Russian President Vladimir Putin had a major disagreement with...
1/9 Image
the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay #Patrushev. Thus, during another online meeting with the leadership of the security bloc, #Putin shared his plans to involve Chechen fighters of Ramzan #Kadyrov to fight saboteurs in the #Belgorod oblast.
2/9 Image
This decision was sharply opposed by Nikolai #Patrushev. He said that the situation could be brought under control without involving the "Kadyrovites" and that the increasing influence of #Kadyrov's representatives in the #Belgorod region would bring imbalance into...
3/9 Image
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Jun 16th 2023
1/ Garść dronowych wieści z wojny na 🇺🇦 Ukrainie - a dzieje się dużo!

Niektóre informacje z opóźnieniem - przepraszamy, ale w natłoku obowiązków hobby musiało zejść na dalszy plan 😉

Miłego czytania!

#Ukraine #Ukraina #Rosja #Russia #Drones #UAV #FPV Image
2/ Pamiętacie jak informowaliśmy na koniec stycznia 23r., że 🇺🇦 będą tworzyć kompanie szturmowe dronów?

Ukraińcy informują, że w maju 8 nowym kompaniom dronowym udało się osiągnąć gotowość bojową.

Dołącza one do 3 już walczących kompanii - razem 11.

3/ Kompanie dronowe wyposażone zostały w pick-upy, różnej wielkości quadcoptery oraz drony FPV.

Fundusze pochodziły z platformy UNITED24 Prezydenta Zełeńskiego oraz budżetu państwa.

Docelowo 🇺🇦 chcą, aby drony były ich krajowej produkcji i w tysiącach sztuk miesięcznie. Image
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Jun 16th 2023
Russian Occupation Updates:

1/ #Ukrainian officials reported that #Russian occupation authorities continue to forcibly relocate Ukrainian children from #Ukraine to #Russia and repopulate occupied areas of Ukraine with Russian civilians. Image
2/ Russian authorities continue preparing for the September 2023 elections in occupied regions. Image
3/ Russian occupation authorities expanded their patronage networks with Russian regions at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Read 4 tweets

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