@SaraCarterDC - will their fall-back response be that "AI" wrote the code?
In other words - 'the dog ate my homework' defense!
I just re-ran one of the queries that @JamesOKeefeIII ran in his June/Google expose. The results are FRIGHTENING (where there was essentially a NULL=TRUMP response THEN - Look what GOOGLE HAS PASTED INTO THE QUERY RESULT NOW):

> Can Google "Frame" People?
> Can Google "Get Out The Vote" Of Their Choice?
> Do our Elections EVEN MATTER ANYMORE?
Gennai? Generate A.I.?
DRAGONFLY? SHANGHAI? HONG KONG/Real Time ID of Protesters - being passed to Chicoms?
How many must "Disappear" into the INVOLUNTARY ORGAN DONATION PROGRAM to make Google (Leftist Executives) satisfied?