Scottish independence : letter on the necessity of dissolving the union between England and Scotland, and on restoring Scotland to her ancient supremacy as an entire and distinct nation.
Published 1845. Written 1844 by John Steill, who paid for this statue of Wallace.

"The union between Scotland and England one of the blackest transactions in history....."
"...when England had a purpose of her own to serve, however prejudicial it might be to her weaker neighbour, no obstacle would be allowed to stand in the way of its attainment."

"the voice of our Scottish members, in the misnamed British Senate, is drowned amidst the tumultuous clamours of iron-hearted tories, bloated corruptionists, and hordes of other venal creatures, who have been sent by the..... constituencies of England...."

Some worthy, well-meaning individuals propose to counter-balance the malign effecrs of English ascendancy, by contending for having what they call "federal parliaments" to manage local concerns. But this implies English connection......"

"......people of Scotland..... have bravely combined to rid their country of a yoke that is gradually enslaving and destroying her, and to restore her to the rank among the States of Europe which she of old so respectably filled."

" enact her own laws, levy her own taxes, enter into what treaties she pleases with foreign dominions, supply her own defence, internally and externally, while she studiously avoids interfering with, or encroaching upon the privileges of other kingdoms,....."

"were our unpolished, but brave, honest and shrewd Scottish ancestors to rise from their graves and to behold in us their descendents the wreck and prostration.....they would utterly disown and despise us"
~John Steill, 14th Nov. 1844…