
-Marine water
-Fresh water
-Drinking-water, both bottled & tap water

-Physical particles
-Microbial pathogens as part of biofilms
Available evidence states: chemicals & biofilms associated with microplastics in drinking-water pose a low concern for human health.

💧Developing standard methods for measuring microplastic particles in water
💧More studies on the sources and occurrence of microplastics in fresh water
💧More studies on the efficacy of different treatment processes

💧Wastewater treatment can remove over 90%, mostly through filtration
💧Conventional drinking-water treatment can remove particles smaller than a micrometre


💧2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking-water
💧4.2 billion people lack safely managed sanitation
Drinking water contaminated by faeces puts them at high risk of deadly diseases like cholera.