"A poor man of low caste hunted for a whole day to feed his family, but couldn't catch anything. At nightfall he was still in the forest, alone, hungry & worn out by his vain attempts.."
But he found no nest.
He thought of his wife and his little children waiting at home for their father and their food, and wept for them.."
The hunter's tears fell upon the leaves of the Bel tree and bore them down towards the (Shiva-Linga) at the foot of the tree.."
The spirits carried his soul..& brought it before the great Shiva.
"There is no place here for this man's soul," the dwellers in heaven cried out together.
"For he was of low caste, & did not follow the holy laws".."
"He gave me Bel leaves, and above all, he offered me sincere tears. There is no low caste for hearts that are true.."
And he received him into his heaven."
(CWM, Vol. 2)
The Mother gave the significance of 'Emotional Abundance' to the flower of the 'Lagenaria siceraria' vine (also known as bottle gourd)
(Image from - greenfusestock.photoshelter.com/image/I0000PMV…)