On Hitler’s orders, Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess charged German-American immigrant Heinz Spanknobel to form the pro-Nazi movement in the US
The Friends of New Germany was est. Jul ‘33 in the US…
They attacked the press, stormed newspaper offices, targeted Jewish people & businesses & held swastika laden rallies in black & white uniforms
The Bund was disbanded at the end of 1941 when the US declared war against Nazi Germany.
FoNG & Bund are relegated in history as hate groups
Fascists & Nazis were considered militant, extremist fringe groups & a gross underbelly in the US’ history of deep seeded roots in racism…
…until Donald Trump.
Mexicans—Rapists & Criminals
Africa—shithole countries
Nigeria—live in huts
Immigrants—Infestation & animals
NFL players who kneel—Sons of Bitches
Nazis—very fine people

But the stories of 1930s Germany’s fascism, anti-Democrat & Nazis declaring the Aryan race is under attack are still the same—
ALL lead to the same path under a white Nationalist at the helm.