Well, I interviewed the zoologist whose work this is actually based on for @newscientist & here’s what she said...
Yet they were historically fed a diet v high in fruit, as well as stuff like meat, yoghurt, cheese & eggs.
Totally inappropriate.
So she swapped them to a leaf-only diet & (unsurprisingly) their health improved.
I mean, these leaf-eating monkeys had literally all meat, eggs & dairy eliminated from their diet, not just reduced fruit.
I guess it’s easier just to gloss over that minor detail?
Humans are not leaf- eating monkeys. (Shocking, I know)
In fact, put on a leaf-only diet we would struggle to meet our caloric needs, quickly succumb to nutritional deficiencies and eventually die.
Perhaps not ideal?
Could it be that what is appropriate for one species is not for another?
So why pick one involving monkeys (not humans) to support that idea that fruit is dangerous & unhealthy for us?
Oh yes, there really aren’t any...
She described it as a ‘massive misinterpretation’ and ‘doesn’t support it in any way’.