💰Gutting National Monuments pays ➡️ Fossil Fuel CEOs
💰Border concentration camps pay ➡️ Private Prison CEOs
💰Betsy DeVos pays ➡️ loan sharks
It’s always about the con.
Culturally, racism is used as the unspoken cudgel against pro-working class policy. /2
By rallying support for super racist immigration policies, (Muslim Ban, concentration camps,etc), supporters look the other way at the billions of public dollars going to private prison CEOs - who then kick some that 💰 back to Trump (ex. his inaugural committee)
That’s what Reagan’s Black “welfare queen” was all about, too.
If people think they’re “paying for someone else,” they’ll dismantle their own healthcare.
So long as bigoted sympathies exist (subtly or loud), they will be used. That’s why convincing people racism is a sidenote,¬ broad or institutional, is a strategic move.