Make a quad, move two opposite verts up. Voila, it folds, one way or another. That hidden edge is there... and it is determined by THE SHORTEST DISTANCE between the verts.
You either control that fucking bastard edge or let the exporter pick backed on distance.
A) deform and fold the way you want
B) vertex colors run the way you want
In other words, you are in motherfucking control.
Good luck with that.
No, wait, punch them in the face for spreading bullshit to students.
That is because the algorithm ignores the hidden edge orientation for making the division. Quads become quads.
Subdivide a triangle and you get triangles which do not give an even surface
In Unreal It is faster to pre subdivide your mesh before importing it rather than do it in the shader. You also get the benefit of controlling your subdivision focusing where you need density.
Unreal subdivision is triangles.
And it will cause zbrush and mudbox to shit itself.
Mudbox has a max vertex valence limit (number of edges coming off a single vert) that will crap out if you feed it polys.
Polys are taco bell
'Triangulate' locks them in by turning them from invisible to legit edges. That fucks up loop selection.
A) more verts to the vertex shader.
B) more verts in mem
C) verts x bone assignment
D) you are more likely to be falling into quad overdraw pits, burning processing on data you dont need