Folks, due to some large expenses on the horizon—that are altogether exciting & voluntary and not of the GoFundMe variety—I'm shifting my hustle into overdrive for the next few months.
Gird thy loins.
Specifically, $4,99, an increase in the cover price by $1.
But you, my friend, don't have to pay this price. Join the Patron Horde & partake of the spoils for the same $2.99 patrons have always enjoyed:
The Ko-fi is per month and is largely about all the stuff I do, including experimental stuff like the Person Teaches Eppy About Thing videos.
Behold! The first 11 issues:…
What could possibly be more stressful?
Except for maybe running your first Kickstarter.
More on the November project later. 🐺✨
Let's talk about things you can get right the fuck now!
If you don't already have a copy of V&S, why the hell not?
You set the price and you can read the core rulebook in the time it takes to eat a Hydrox.
Along with @ndpaoletta, I'm a Rockford Files podcaster:
And we're just about ready to record another episode of @TwoHundredPod, which is just what I needed today.
It came out in 2010, right when I started designing #SwordsWithoutMaster⚔️.
Sandwiched between those two games, well, I'm afraid I neglected it a bit.
🕐 Dread but with sudoku.
🕑 Dread but the slasher is capitalism and the prey is all of existence.
🕒 Dread but you can travel in time & earn $11.50 an hour.
But mainly it borrowed from my experiences as a temp worker.
Since then, a whole shitload of Swords things have happened!…
• …cops & DAs in an urban supernatural setting?
• …rolling to see if you are zany or grim before you do anything?
When that timer goes off again, you're done with your trial and sentencing begins whether you're ready for it or not.
Nobody's successes ensures that those put on trial are actually the guilty party. You don't get to know that. You don't ever get to know that.
This November—for the 5th anniversary of its release in issue 2 of Worlds Without Master—I will be Kickstarting a corporeal form of Wolfspell.
Not as a book, but as a majestically metal trifold LP album cover illustrated by the unparalleled @portablecity!🤘
Did you know that...
Swords Without Master
is in
Worlds Without Master, issue 3?
Well now you do!…
The Respite Phase is over!…
You remember way back in February when I was raising the funds to buy this badass calc?
I mean, I don't need to raise the funds to buy the house. We've got that covered.
But every house is haunted by restless, money-eating spirits. My adrenaline has been roaring ever since our offer was accepted.
Behold, Dread House! A print & play version of Dread appropriate for kids and brave adults!
If there's another one, I haven't heard of it.

This autocorrect typo up-thread has folks craving a game that isn't Dread House. Don't worry! I've got you covered!
Let me just hit pause on this self-promoting so I can get a little non-self-promoting done.
It's a defining pillar of the genre, plus it's by the other author of Dread House who also happens to be buying the same house I am.…
@muscularpikachu's Star Crossed delivers on both!…
@dreamaskew's Monsterhearts is what you're looking for!
But then that's it. There are literally no other games that let you play vampires.