1. Because as a public defender I watched hundreds of poor men go to jail for acts 5% as serious as what Trump has done.
2. Because I not only love this country but took an Oath to serve it (and its Constitution) in 2001, so any oathbreaker who repeatedly and gleefully violates the U.S. Constitution and acts to disintegrate it is *literally* as well as viscerally my sworn enemy as an attorney.
3. Because I've worked for 25 years in a series of professions in which petty jealousies, professional conventions, and the narrow-mindedness of professional silos threaten to destroy both the profession and all that it stands for—and journalism falls squarely into that mold.
4. Because 90% of America doesn't care about any of this (bad enough) but then all of us who are online have to be confronted daily by hundreds of right-wingers who *gleefully* don't care and—the true rock-bottom people—fellow lefties who just want to cannibalize their peers.
5. Every day I meet people who would rather America burn than they miss a single chance to snark someone on social media who over-sincerely thinks we're in a national emergency. I meet folks who say they care but get upset if a national crisis causes them *any* inconvenience.
6. Because we're all *sentenced* to experience so much of this national tragedy on social media, which increasingly is just a cesspool for everyone (me included, on several occasions) to dump our toxic envy, vanity, anger, confusion, self-delusion, and post-digital nihilism.
7. Because I don't want to spend more of my life writing about this, or watching my attempts to help not reach as far as they might because I'm not in the major-media "club" or particularly graceful on Twitter. Like most of you, *I want my old life back now*.