17May17 (Mueller appointment) thru
30Oct17 (Indictments/Guilty Plea).
See Tweet 2 above—Early Apr16 in timeline.
Take-away: Mueller rushed to arrest Papadop & get him back on the street ASAP—before other suspects noticed he was missing.

Steele Dossier, pg 7.
"Mechanism...pension disbursements to Russian émigrés living in US as cover, using consular officials in New York, DC, & Miami."
Mueller's 1st official order to the Trump Campaign regarding Trump-Russia.
Mueller must have read that story...
A month later, he issued subpoenas.
Ending std prac info-sharing agreement precedes witness cooperation.
FYI: "flipping" isn't set in stone—deals can fall apart.
Any bias the defendant can show on Flynn's part undermines Mueller's case.
Mueller submitted an "Information Filing" to court; meaning Flynn allocutes to lying to FBI.
It's a minimum charge & means Flynn already gave some info & is a cooperating witness.
Flynn Jr. worked closely w/ his father at Flynn Intel Group & the presidential transition. He was often w/ Flynn during the campaign.
Maybe because it hints at an ongoing relationship w/ Russia that he wanted to keep secret.
Reasons to lie:
a. Return payment (Quo) for Russian assistance in US election/business investment/etc (Quid).
b. Blackmail.
Personal gain or threat—that's all there is.
12/29—Flynn-Kislyak talk sanctions
1/24—Flynn lies to FBI
1/26—Yates warns WH; Trump briefed on Flynn
1/27—Trump➡️Comey: loyalty ask
1/30—Yates fired
2/13—Flynn fired
2/14—Trump➡️Comey: let Flynn go
5/9—Flynn subpoenaed; Comey fired
McFarland sacked from WH NSC (Apr16); Trump nominated her to be ambassador to Singapore—awaiting senate confirmation.
After Flynn fired (13Feb), McMaster took over as NatSec Advisor & removed Flynn allies from NSC: Bannon (5Apr), McFarland (9Apr), & Ezra Cohen-Watnick (2Aug).
Vrablic is Trump's private banker at Deutsche.

1. Both confirm legitimacy of Mueller investigation.
2. Both confirm money laundering is the tit-for-tat in TrumpRussia election meddling collusion.
-Since 1980, 1 in 5 of Trump's US condominiums were secret, cash-only purchases.
-1,300 purchased by shell companies—not people—w/o a mortgage to avoid bank questions.
It's the exact transaction type FinCEN (Treasure Dept's Financial Crime Unit) warned the real estate industry they flag for suspicious activity.

Factually true, but not how foreign influence works anymore.👇
Starts w/ Torshin but snags Paul Erickson—owner of Investing with Dignity LLC & US agent of Maria Butina corp, Bridges LLC (both in South Dakota)—
—Becky Norton Dunlop (ACU Board of Dir, VP at Heritage Fdn, & Trump Transition Team).
—Paul Keene (Fmr NRA President).
—G. Kline Preston IV (Nashville attorney).
Also of interest:
—Sheriff David Clarke.
—Rep Rohrabacher (CA-48).
—Rep Massie (KY-04).
Note: Although no source background is cited (Bank or German gov), Handelsblatt is a reputable German business newspaper.
Nader is a name-dropping Bannon assoc w/ a mysterious job who claims connections to Prince Zayed of Abu Dhabi that no one can verify.
Kushner stopped mtg him: too fishy.
Boente is key witness for corroborating Comey testimony.
As Dist Atty for EDVA & Head of DOJ NatSec Div, Boente knows where bodies are buried.
Lying to public isn't a crime. But if Trump encouraged turning public against Mueller, that's substantive Obstruction.
And that's a crime.
—Senator Lindsey Graham, 30Oct17. The day Manafort & Gates were indicted by Mueller.
"I have zero concern Mueller is in jeopardy of losing his job. I see no reason for him to be dismissed..."
1st story revealing Mueller investigating Obstruction was allll Comey (14Jun17).
Memo will definitely be used in pre-trial motion to suppress evidence (all of it) via FISA.
So why the section on Papadopoulos?
Criminal indictments from Page FISA are already compromised.
That's not in the Steele Dossier.
—Jun 2008: Carter Page claimed he worked for Gazprom (cable to State Dept).
—Jun 2013: FBI alert Page Russian Intel is working to recruit him.
—Aug 2013: Page claims he's "informal advisor to staff of Kremlin."
💥Late May: Papadopoulos tells Australian diplomat Russia has Clinton emails.
Jun: FuGPS hires Steele.
5Jul: 1st Steele-FBI mtg.
💥Late Jul: After Wikileaks-DNC (26Jul), Aus shares Papadop Intel—FBI opens case on him.
1. Businesses & Money Laundering
✅ 2 indictments (Manafort/Gates).
2. Russian Info Ops.
3. Russian Hacking.
4. Russia-Trump Campaign contacts.
✔️ 2 guilty pleas (Flynn/Papadopoulos).
5. Obstruction of Justice.
—If Trump uses line of succession:
US Attorneys
1. John Bruce
2. John Parker
(Boente ineligible)
—Possibles (DOJ Assistant AG's):
Makan Delrahim
Beth Ann Williams
Steven Engel
Stephen Boyd
SolGen Noel Francisco
One nugget: they fraudulently paid (via fake emails/accounts) Americans to wear Hillary impersonator costumes.
Example👇from Oct16 Trump rally in Florida.
Read indictment:

—Gov need only show Trump Org/campaign officials committed at least one overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. United States v.
Ballistrea, 101 F.3d 827, 832 (2d Cir. 1996).
—Russians worked to elect Trump ON US SOIL.
—"They paid in rubles" AND dollars.
—Influence ramped up 1Jun16.
—Trump campaign officials AND grassroots helped (wittingly? TBD).
—Russians helped anti-Trump rallies AFTER election.
Skadden refunded $567,000 to Ukraine in June 2017.
That leaves $533,000 for Manafort to account for.
March 2013: Reps Royce (retiring 2018) & Rohrabacher knowingly took undisclosed contributions from Pro-Russia Ukraine via Manafort & Lobbyists (Mercury LLC).
Criminal violations
52 USC § 30122/30122.

✔️Guilty 5Oct17: Papadopoulos
✔️Guilty 1Dec17: Flynn
Campaign/White House
✔️Guilty 12Feb18: Pinedo
Russian Facilitator
✔️Guilty 20Feb18: van der Zwaan
Manafort Subcontractor
✔️Guilty 23Feb18: Gates
Dep Campaign Mgr/Manafort Assoc
—Gets his trial date: 17Sep18.
—Stays awake while Judge reads dozens of new money laundering charges.
—Pleads "not guilty."
—Absorbs angry bench-slap from judge over his public statement about Gates' plea deal last week.
Carter Page
Corey Lewandowski
Donald J. Trump
Hope Hicks
Keith Schiller
Michael Cohen
Paul Manafort
Rick Gates
Roger Stone
Steve Bannon
2 Aug 2015: Lewandowski fired Nunberg from Trump campaign.
—"Trump may very well have done something during the election... I don't know."
—"I don't want to testify against Roger Stone, my mentor!"
—Hey Katy [Tur], waddaya think Mueller is gonna do to me?"
*Bannon/Stone mentioned more than once.
—Prince denies that. I'm guessing George Nader does not.
RDIF is under US/EU sanctions for Crimea, but Prince-Dmitriev mtg isn't a violation.
*So why did Prince hide mtg from Feds?
Only caveat: prosecutors must describe docs w/ "reasonable particularity"—If Mueller has weaknesses, particularity ain't one.
Andrew McCabe stmt—“This is part of an effort to discredit me as a witness [to Trump's Obstruction of Justice for Comey firing]."
*Too little Candor w/ IG abt his too much Candor w/ WSJ.
Russian military intelligence (GRU) didn't *direct* DNC/DCCC cyber theft through civilian hackers, they *ran* it. Guccifer is a GRU officer.
If DOJ & Rosenstein OK'd charging Paul Manafort w/ crimes not directly related to Russia, it's even easier to charge Michael Cohen—who is already being examined for 2015 Russian real estate deals.

1. He hurts current business.
2. He hurts future business.
3. He doesn't pay.
4. He actually did it.
5. He WANTS to tell Mueller he did it.
Answer—Directly. Wikileaks released Russia-hacked Podesta emails 29 mins after tape.
Michael Cohen. Prague. August or early September 2016. Via Germany. Just like Steele Dossier claimed. No passport stamp inside Schengen Area.
Cohen was in Italy late July, early August 2016.
a. Putin knew abt Trump Tower meeting (9Jun16) in real-time—Potential blackmail.
b. Goldstone DID NOT misrepresent Kremlin-Veselnitskaya connection to "useful idiot" Trump Jr BEFORE meeting.
c. Trump Air Force One stmt ➡️ Intent to Obstruct.
Mueller wants to know if Artemenko paid him.