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Carrie Lam and four senior officials received a moderate round of applause as they got on stage and seated.
One in 7 to 10 of the 150 seats are not taken, as dialogue host Kenneth Ng said over 130 citizens had presented for the dialogue in his opening. Carrie Lam making her opening speech now.
Carrie Lam thanked citizens for joining the dialogue. She said some might doubt if the dialogue was merely a show but she and her officials had to start the talk, no matter how difficult, as the administration shouldered the greatest responsibility for the political storm.
Carrie Lam also addressed the criticism that there was no point to have any more dialogue given the five demands had been made clear mant times. She said the society had many problems to discuss and feelings to share, and that was an important reason behind the dialogue.
A52, B47, C18, A32, B32, C25 are the first batch of citizens drawn to speak.
A52: I would rather get drawn for a subsidized flat instead of this dialogue becuz we also know this will be fruitless. What I expected most did not take place either, which is having the Secretary for Justice and Secretary for Security here to be held accountable...
...Why are you still unwilling to launch independent probe? What have you done to realise the promise of democracy in Basic Law?
B47: I really want to know what the government still refuses to set up an independent committee of inquiry. We have had five of it since handover. What made me heartache is not the damage done by the protesters but the police who would call a man beaten by them a yellow object.
C18: Is HK losing to Shenzhen? I can't see any opportunities for HK in the Greater Bay Area given the current political situation. Is there any one still care about the stability of our aviation industry? I think everyone in HK need to regain the city's intl status.
A32: Gov is suppressing HKers' electoral rights and even the legislature with executive power. Will you stop such interference? HKers are stronger than you imagine. Five demands, not one less.
B32: Can government let us know what happened in San Uk Ling detention centre? Till when will the government admit that the Independent Police Complaints Council can't help?
C25: Who in the government and the force will be held accountable for 7.21 Yuen Long attack? Can police show their numbers? Can officers follow the guidelines of using force? HK does not have an org that can supervise the police.
Carrie Lam: I am deeply moved by the six speeches. The last gentleman said he supports One Country Two Systems. As long as the policy is accurately exercised, HK has a future, the lady who works in airport, HK has a future. One important aspect of OCTS is rule of law...
Carrie Lam: I support the police to enforce law doesn't mean I will tolerate any one to breach the laws in that process. We also need the independent judiciary. Trust in the government has dropped severely. We need to rebuild trust through dialogues...
Carrie Lam: I do not oppose any truth finding. Due to lack of trust, people still feel suspicious despite repeated explanations by the relevant authorities. Independent probe is a way. An independent statutory organisation is always a way....
Carrie Lam: IPCC has promised to publicize its report, has invited foriegn experts and has collected evidence from the public. Shall we give it some more time?
A41,B44,C46,A27,B22,C47 are the 2nd batch.
A41: Citizens have zero trust in you and the police. You made trouble for the country. Former city leaders are invited to Beijing for national celebrations but not you. Becuz President Xi doesn't want to stand with you. Please stop blaming the liberal studies for causing protests
A41: You said you would hold the same yardstick for violence. But why could police not show number ? If you said people still have doubts about 8.31, why don't you release the CCTV footage ? Why can't lawyers and justices of peace enter San Uk Ling?
B44: (follow up on the questions that were just asked)
C22 (redrawn as the original one no show): We really need an independent committee of inquiry. I recommend to investigate the causes of the riots. If lawmakers are found behind, they must be suspended immediately. Other than police, teachers, social workers and religious leaders
C22:...must also be investigated. I don't think students should participate in politics. Politics are so complicated that we don't even fully understand. The education minister should hold teachers inciting students accountable. Gov should set up licensing system for media and
C22: ...and reporters. RTHK should be reformed, to be a real voice of the government.
A27: Mrs Lam, your evasion of the great questions from the reporters disappointed the public. You only give each of us 3 mins. Will you set the same rule for your business friends? Respect for the country doesn't come from orders. Respect comes from hearts....
A27:...why is the government so sensitive and fragile? Do you know how hurt it was when you said some people had no stake in society? Maybe you are a very capable executive. But you are not a good politician. A good politician should unite the people instead of splitting them.
Carrie Lam: I am very willing to interact. We can arrange some in-depth and close door meetings that can last longer. My election campaign slogan is We Connect. Two years on, I haven't done good enough. Please understand that my administration does care about HK.
Carrie Lam: we will try to listen to the people more so that we don't have to wait until all problems have surfaced to get our hands on them.
B22: My family and I are very scared about what will happen every week. Can the government help us? People always say Five Demands Not One Less but I think if the government agrees to launch independent probe, many people will accept.
C44: Concerns of the previous speakers are pretty narrow. I want to talk about HK's development of economy, youth and housing. It hurt me to see protesters set fire at the Central Station. What policies does the government have to help with the youth's housing problems?
#Breaking Carrie Lam : police have stopped using San Uk Ling Detention Center due to controversy.
A57, B39, C47, A61, B43, C14 are the 3rd batch.
A57: Mrs Lam, why don't you go out of the stadium and talk directly to the citizens outside? Why would you visit a turnstile instead of people wounded in protests? Where has the Commissioner of Police gone? What will you do to help those affected by tear gas?
A57: Mrs Lam can you give us a promise on how you would regain public trust and reform the police ?
B39: The government makes me feel that it goes its own way no matter what the citizens said. I support independent probe, particularly into 7.21 Yuen Long attack. Some lawmakers incite indiscriminate violence against the citizens but they still have a seat in the Legislature.
B39: If some believe that RTHK should be dismissed if they can't be the government's mouthpiece while receiving public money, shouldn't the police should also be dismissed as they can't function properly?
C47: What took the police so long to go to Yuen Long MTR station from their station in Yuen Long? People are not even safe at home when police fire tear gas madly everywhere. Can IPCC really bring us justice? What can you do to make us feel safe to go out?
A61: Mrs Lam, it's wrong for you to push the protesters, the police and the citizens to solve your political problem. I have to say sorry to my wife. Mrs Lam you are like my wife when she made a dish and made me eat it though I told her it didn't taste good.
B43: I have nothing to say to you. I won't commit suicide. And don't call me your friend. I don't have any friend like you.
C14: Youngsters are fighting against injustice. The government often tries to solve problems with PR strategies... (sorry I lost track of his thoughts as he went wildly around)
Carrie Lam: I expected a main focus tonight to be the independent probe. (She repeated the lines about IPCC) It doesn't mean that I can't hear you. I heard you. I have to follow the laws and consider people who might be affected by my decision although I am the chief executive.
A58, B20, C17, A03, B13, C37 are the 4th batch.
A58: Would you consider removing the political accountability system given that no official can be held accountable ? If you can hear us about independent probe but you won't do it, what's the point of having this dialogue ?
B20: When the government is lazy, the IPCC is perfunctory and the police are corrupted, what can I do as a citizen? If the government says this is an open dialogue, why does it need to impose so stringent security ?
C17: It seems that the government has been ignoring us the silent majority. I'd you have got a solution, please let us know more. Will we consider close shore reclamation and using land resumption ordinance? Will we reactivate the scheme to allow subsidized housing owners to.. their flats? I support making Chinese history a compulsory subject and forbid introducing political topics too early in education. I recommend the government not to hand out cash indiscriminately. Can food and hygiene dept help handle Lennon Walls? I support mask ban.
A03: Can you spend 15mins on @lihkgofficial every day? You can understand the youngsters immediately. I recommend a book 香港城邦論. What happened today was written in that book long time ago. 2047 may not be your business as you will be 90yro Mrs Lam but it concerns me a lot... I am only 26yro this year. I know who is damaging OCTS. It's not the separatists. HK independence is merely a strawman. I support OCTS and HK autonomy.
B13: It scares me that no official is held accountable but all of you ask us to allow you to continue to serve. Your Executive Council members, Ronny Tong doesn't have any political sense while Fanny Law smeared female protesters as providers of free sex. Why ain't they removed.
B13: Why did the police handle the situations so differently when they were in face of the white clad mob and in face of citizens? I can only call them licensed thugs.
C37: I used to support the movement but my turning point came on July 1. What have you achieved? I am never afraid of the police but I am scared when I see a black clad group shouting. Youngsters, no matter how HK becomes, it will be yours. Our generation has done our part.
Carrie Lam: HK autonomy is not One Country Two Systems. OCTS has a bottom line. So does the youngsters' growth. One must be held accountable if he/she breaks the laws. We may not respond to all comments and meet all demands. But the purpose of dialogue is to share and respect.
NOTE: will complete this thread later with the last batch of Qs and A.
A18, B02, C38, A43, B23, C13 are the 5th batch of audience drawn.
A18: I have asked you many questions and heard you repeated the same lines many times. Could you say something new so that we can find a new way out? You want a dialogue but shouldn't the most needed dialogue be the one between you and those arrested and wounded in protests?
A18: A survey by Dr Francis Lee showed that 75%(actually 80%) people support an independent probe. This means a landslide, an absolute majority in any political system. Why are you still unwilling to honor it? Are you going to relaunch a political reform and give people universal
A18: suffrage, so that the political system is fixed. If you are really a leader, you need to find a way out. If you can't, Hong Kong people are not simply letting it go like this.
B02: I am a form 6 student and Carrie Lam you are right that I don't understand politics. I don't understand why politics are simply a game where ordinary people are sacrificed. You said you are a loving mother, can you feel the suffering of being gassed? do you sympathize...
B02:...the youngsters who got shot? Do you care the parents' pain for their children being arrested, or the lives taken in suicides? These are livelihood you should care, instead of a broken turnstile. Have you lost sleep like many other HKers? It's your government that taught me
B02:...peaceful demonstrations are useless. You only keep condemning violence and rioters, while hosting small group meetings, instead of listening to the voices on street. I can't understand how you can be so thick skin and violate citizens' rights in the name of peace...
B02:...You often said people could lodge a complaint against the police but only 1 per cent can be successful. I didn't want to come out. I wanted a happy summer too. But if I didn't, we wouldn't have a future. So we are not incited by any one.
C38: I want to thank the brave student who shared his mind honestly. I love my country and my city. Out of such love, I don't want HK to become international headline due to protests. I hope you can tell Beijing we are not advocating for independence. All we want are freedom and
C38:...democracy. The government said it could consider banning masks. But can this also be applied to the police ? If it can, I will support. I also want to ask If the political accountability system is already dead. Will you ask the Secretary for Justice to step down...
C38:...other than your resignation ? I am quite happy to hear different political opinions today. I hope your officials can really hear us.
A43: I think you have missed the best chance for conversation and tonight is merely a political show. But I still came. You said you wanted to know about public opnions. One million and two million people marched, Lennon Walls, human chains, Glory to Hong Kong, crowdfunding...
A43:...boycott classes, malls, restaurants and public transport. You seem to know nothing. I can tell you these are people's will. I want you to listen more and learn more. HK now is like having contracted cancer but you hope to cure it with a dose of pain killer. Too naive.
A43: Please meet the 5 demands. Why did HK get cancer? Because we have a sell-out as chief executive, and a bunch of officials who do not need to be accountable for their mistakes, a police force that is abusive and irresponsible. You know better than me about these. I hope you
A43: can launch an independent probe instead of saying things like comprehensive consideration. Also I hope you can guarantee that we can all go home safely tonight and do not need to be gassed because we don't have our masks.
B23: I was born and bred in HK but I don't know anything about politics. Maybe I am a "Hong Kong pig". In recent months, I wanted to smash my TV when I watched live. Why those who know politics do not solve the political problem, but instead push ordinary people to fight...
B23:...against each other? If one is in a company and your boss asked you to solve a problem, you would have been fired If you still couldn't find a way after three months. Does "stop violence and subdue chaos" mean "stop violence with violence"?
C13: How can you regain trust of HKers? You just mentioned it is impossible for HKers to have autonomy but what I heard since I was a child is "Hong Kong people rule Hong Kong with high degree of autonomy". You can go out to meet some young people and learn about their ideas.
C13: I promised my pro-government family member, who is also a police officer, to ask a question. The question is that the protests have lasted for (almost) 4 months while the police have been in a passive role. What can the government do to stop violence?
C13: You said you could meet the demands that challenge some bottom lines. I don't understand why an independent probe would challenge any bottom line. If you said the probe would affect the police morality, you are actually admitting that they did something wrong.
Carrie Lam: we all hope this storm can soon pass and Hong Kong can restore peace. Peaceful demonstrations are alright and HK has a good tradition of doing it. But in recent months we have seen increasing violence. Many might criticize the police but I hope you all understand that
Carrie Lam:...the police force is a very important pillar for defending HK's security. every system needs to be checked and balanced. If we did something wrong, we would be tried and punished. We need to defend this system in order to preserve our privileged.
Carrie Lam: I hope people can restore mindfulness and no longer attack people who hold different political stances. But this is not totally in the hands of mine and my colleagues'.
HK also has many deep seated problems, including the problem of post 2047 arrangements. If they...
Carrie Lam: I hope these dialogues can help us find ways to solve these problems. We will try to find a way not only in politics but also in policies. I hope we can walk down this path though it may not be a smooth way.
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