“The call [with Ukraine] did not contain anything remotely sensitive from a national security perspective”

Trump’s transcript was SECRET because it had far more info AND far stronger views about a *key US foreign policy*: Russia sanctions
At the time, a SECRET classification was clearly warranted and the call DID contain sensitive national security information
Now, what else is wrong about their complaint and what else are they & their sources lying or misinformed about?
“The President also praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, Mr. Yuriy Lutsenko”
— Trump didn’t mention Lutsenko, in fact he praised Shokin (his predecessor fired for looking into Biden) so that doesn’t even make any sense
h/t @seanmdav
WB relies on an anonymous “former Ukrainian prosecutor” to claim Ukrainian General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin “was not in fact investigating Burisma at the time of his removal”
REALITY: Shokin swore in affidavit he WAS investigating Burisma
h/t @jsolomonReports