I was elected as the "Chief Neoliberal Shill" in a series of (rigged) Twitter polls in 2018, and deposed in 2019 by @mattyglesias.
It was sort of a joke. But the year I spent being called - and calling myself - a "neoliberal" taught me a lot.
But to the people who call themselves "neoliberal" now, it does not mean that.
Basically, Clintonites.
No. I am not, and it does not.
I believe that government needs to do more than just redistribute the proceeds of free markets.
Instead, we need additional, quasi-independent institutions, like unions.
Land value taxes, public housing, housing co-ops, downpayment assistance, etc. etc.
Neoliberalism under-emphasizes science policy, for example. I want a Big Push for science-driven growth.
Yes. The government *must* pick winners. Green energy and other zero-carbon technologies being chief among the things we must pick.
But just because I'm not really a neoliberal doesn't mean I think neoliberalism is bad. I think it's a valuable perspective we still need.
We will need people who remember the value of markets, but who are NOT plutocrats or racists, to temper and restrain that overreach.
And that would be bad.
And that is a healthy disagreement. Or it should be, anyway.
Also, neoliberalism gave us anime, so there's that.