Never mind that that Whites ended slavery, paying with their money & their lives

European slaves were captured from as far as Iceland, and as near as Italy
One such village was Baltimore in Ireland

This presentation should not be missed:
Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret
"They snatched up & bound the terrified people as they fled with no more care than if they were hunting rabbits."
Grooming gangs operating in the UK today have an ideological predecessor in these Islamic slavers

One would be freed if one "turned Turk" but to do so meant all efforts to ransom you from your homeland ceased
Slaves endured unimaginable torture rather then recite the shahada

[published 1816: free .pdf]

The interior of Europe was not spared this indignity. Slavers raided inland, particularly in Eastern Europe, for centuries #WhiteSlaves
A very powerful dramatization

Davis claims White slavery has been minimised or ignored because academics preferred to treat Europeans as evil colonialists rather than as victims."

"Whites Were Slaves In North Africa Before Blacks Were Slaves In The New World" Paul Craig Roberts
Thomas Pellow (1704 – ?) was a Cornish author best known for the extensive captivity narrative entitled The History of the Long Captivity & Adventures of Thomas Pellow in South-Barbary

The US paid 'tribute' to the Ottomans not to kidnap their men & hefty ransoms when they did.
Jefferson decided to put them out of business instead of paying #Jizyah

Would you like to see reality instead?
Here's Eaton's account as he visits the "Turks" to try to work out peace for the new American Republic~

The enslavement of Europeans lasted centuries longer & was far more brutal.
France invaded Algeria to stop their people being kidnapped from coastlines & on the high seas.
Islamic Ottoman Turks enslaved whites